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I got a text from Austin at 12 o'clock at night. We had had a tiring day swimming around and having fun, so it was weird that he was still up. I was only up because I couldn't stop thinking about him. Maybe he was thinking about me.

Can I come over?

It was weird that all of the sudden with no warning what so ever he wanted to come over. I stirred in my bed.

Sure. You okay?

I sent the text and then continued to get lost in thought. I was worried that he was upset or something. My phone buzzed.

I'm not sure.

My heart raced. My poor baby probably had a lot on his mind. I felt terrible that he wasn't at his best.

********* ********* *********

I waited downstairs for Austin. I saw the headlights of his car and I could see him slowly pull up the driveway. I opened the door quietly, letting the warm summer breeze rush into the house. Crickets chirped loudly and the world seemed so at peace.

Austin got out of his car and walked up the pathway to the door. He was in a white tee shirt and ratty old blue pajama pants. He looked down at where he was walking the whole time. He stepped up so he was on the patio before the door way.

"Hey." I cooed softly. He looked up at me slowly. He had dark bags under his eyes and his face was drained of color. And to make it even worse, he was crying. Hard. His shoulders shook up and down and tears poured from his eyes rapidly. "Oh my god, Austin." I whispered, exasperated. It broke my heart to see him like this. Just looking at him cry made me want to cry. I quickly embraced him into a tight hug. He grasped onto me tightly and sobbed into the crook of my neck. The feeling of holding him and knowing he was hurt in that moment was unbearable. It pained me to hear his sobs and feel his tears run down my shoulder. I slipped away from him slowly and took hold of his hand. His face was so full of sadness and it was killing me. "Let's go inside baby." I said but almost pleaded in a way. I needed to know what was going on so I could help him.

We sat down on the couch together and I turned the TV on for light, but I muted it. He continued to cry, and every time I looked at him I felt like crying too.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked stroking his messy curly hair. I wiped some tears off of his cheeks.

"I can't leave. I don't want to leave. I love it here. Being home is the best feeling in the entire world. It's where my family is, it's where my friends are, it's where you are. I don't even think my mom likes touring with me. I'm pretty sure she hates it, and she doesn't say anything so I can live my dream. I can't keep torturing her! And I'm always leaving grandad here alone. He doesn't even have Mema with him here anymore!" He exclaimed. He took a breather for a second and continued to cry. "I don't even have a normal life anymore. I can't go anywhere without getting noticed. I can't go out with my friends anymore, nothing! I'm pretty sure they hate me too! I just left them with no warning. And, I hate leaving you. I hate it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to my life, and of corse you are going to be ripped away from me again! This is the first time I was actually able to build up the courage and tell you that I love you and make you mine, and now I'm just going to leave. And I know I'll come back, but then I'll leave all over again! I can't do it anymore! GOD I FUCK EVERYTHING UP!" Austin forced out. He was sobbing the whole way through. Seeing him like this was heartbreaking. I didn't even know how to console him. It was impossible to pull words together and spit them out to him so he would feel better. Because, I didn't know if Michele liked touring. I didn't know if grandad felt alone here. I didn't know if his friends were mad because he wasn't around. The only thing I could be certain about was me. And, I sure as hell didn't want him leaving either.

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