A Dangerous Mission

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It was thirty minutes later when I finished the paperwork. I was a lawyer, so I was used to it. I approached the desk. The lady had continued her work. The packet landed with a thump on the desk. She glanced at me and stopped her work. She grabbed the packet, stood and said, "This way, Sir, follow me."

We walked down a long hallway until we reached a staircase. The hallway was lined with great tall arches. We walked up two flights of stairs. The third floor looked like a mansion and not part of the bank at all. I observed everything, even the large windows which faced the roads. I nearly bumped into the lady escorting me, for she had stopped. She stood before a brown door. The sign showed "Bank Manager" and I stared at it. She turned to me.

"First, allow me to explain the rules. One: you will not ask questions - only listen. Two: you will have five minutes from the time you enter the office to give your reasoning for withdrawing a large sum. Third: should he accept you, you will not smile. My boss hates people who show emotion. Fourth: should he deny you, there will be no arguing. Do you understand?" I nodded. Having been a lawyer did have its advantages.

She opened the door and entered. "A Mister John Derkette is here to see you, Sir." I heard the thump of the packet as it hit his desk. I could hear the manager ruffling through it.

After a few minutes I heard him tell her to have me enter his office. She gestured to me to enter, and I did. He was still reading the packet. I stayed standing. "Please, sit in the chair if you'd like to." It was a friendly gesture. I read the nameplate on his desk: Douglas Mitchem. He sighed and threw the packet on his desk in disgust. "I told her never to hand these out to my clients, but she does anyway." He shook his head and smiled. "I'm sorry. You didn't have to do the paperwork, but my secretary likes to keep things running by the book here, if you know what I mean."

"I understand perfectly, Sir." I didn't know what to make of this man. He was different than how the lady described him to be.

"Why the formalities? Call me Douglas! All my clients do it."

"Are you sure? What about your secretary?"

"She thinks she knows me, but she doesn't. Now, where's your smile? I'll tell you what - I will give you the five million dollars, and that'll be that. What do you say?"

"That's wonderful, but may I make one more request?" I was nervous he would deny me my other request.

"Certainly - of course - you can! Ask me anything."

It surprised me. "Well - I have this friend. She needs help building a new house, but it costs about ten million dollars to build." Douglas nodded his head in understanding.

"Say no more, My Friend. Fifteen million shall be given to you from your accounts. First, may I ask, where your wife is?" My gaze fell, and I was sad once again. "Oh my - is she divorcing you or something?"

"Yeah - something like that. She's deceased. She was murdered right in front of me." The scene played over again in my head. It had become a waking nightmare.

"I am very sorry for your loss. Should I close her half of the joint account?"

"Please, close the whole account. Whatever money is left after you take out the fifteen million dollars, you can deposit in my savings account." It was hard enough trying not to remember her death without any reminders of her life left around me.

"Of course, I will do that immediately. Is there anything more you wish to do?" I shook my head. "Then I shall have the transaction completed right away." He called for his secretary on his intercom. A few minutes later, she entered the office. Disapprovement showed on her face. She didn't like the fact I was still in there.

Web of Lies (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang