Rebecca Sky @RebeccaSky

385 18 15

Birthday: November 19

Zodiac Sign: S-S-Scorpio

3 Fears:

1. Zippers (Don't laugh! It's legit. I was a chubby kid and I had an aggressive Austrian grandma (Oma) and she would get mad at how slow I zipped my jacket, bat my hands away, and zip it so fast my chubby double chin got stuck it in. This happened so often I have a permanent scar).

2. Double chins. *see above

3. Heights. (This one time when I went to visit Wattpad HQ with a bunch of the Wattpad Stars, the CEO of Wattpad Allen Lau took us to this fancy restaurant, which is 350 meters above the ground in a glass rotating room. I thought I was going to die. Luckily Kat Tonks and Anna Todd took good care of me. Also, I met Lincoln from The 100 there, so that made everything better).

 Also, I met Lincoln from The 100 there, so that made everything better)

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Turn ons: The brat in me wants to say light switches. The romantic in me says being hugged from behind.

 The romantic in me says being hugged from behind

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Turn offs: Narcissists.

Something you really, really want: A VW bug.

Most embarrassing moment: I was working at a child care center and it was my job to send home activity calendars for the parents to review. One of the activities we had planned was to encourage the kids to write rap music, then we'd film it and make music videos, and later that week for movie day, we'd watch the videos back. Well of course when I sent out the calendars I typoed and said, "RAPING PARTY: We will film your children raping and watch it back as a group." Rapping and raping are VERY different. It was hands down the worst typo of my life. Let's just say the parents were not very impressed and I had A LOT of explaining to do. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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