My first time

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Hello to everyone who choose to read this. I have been tagged by Ezra-Miller. I will respond in this thing and as she does her stuff in German and I in English I have taken it upon myself to translate this. Onwards to the questions:

1.Do you like being tagged?

Idk. This is my first time being tagged so meh.

2.Sherlock, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Gray's anatomy or Lord of the rings?

You girl are cruel! How could I ever choose between these. (except Gray's anatomy I don't watch it) These things are practically my life! I haven't watched every episode of Doctor Who yet but hey my favourite dress is a Tardis dress :P

3.What do you think of the Percy Jackson movies?

Packs out a flame thrower and yells "Burn! Buuuurn!"

I actually enjoyed the first one till I read the books. I mean why? How could anyone change the story in the books to something that! I mean they are twelve!!!! In the movie they are like sixteen the age that Percy and the big prophecy...Ugh! (yells very frustrated)

4.Do you like writing per hand or per laptop/mobile more?

Laptop. It is way more easy to correct something than by hand and plus it has Grammar and vocabulary control. I mean I mean I am good in English but still...sometimes even I mess up.

5.Are you doing Easter gifts or do you think they are unnecessary?

I do small ones like chocolate and some trivial things (for my mom bath bombs. She likes that stuff) but only really only for my family.

6.Do you know Metallica and if yes, do you like them?

Don't know much about them. Only that you (Ezra-Miller) are totally crazy about them and that they are like hard rock stuff. I don't listen to them.

7.How many Wi-fi bars do you have right now?

I have...four out of five right now. (Sitting at my dad's laptop)

8.Have you ever switched your mobile/Tablet/Computer to another language?

I have. My tablet is in English mode since two-ish weeks. Before that it was always German. Since I don't own any other electronical device where I can switch the language, no I haven't.

9.what's your favourite emoji?

Like I said. Don't any other good electronical device except my tablet (that is passed down from my mom) I have got none. No cell phone so it is a bit complicated with emojis. But if I have to choose either :P; \(-.o)/; <>>>< (lucky fish)

10. Is your auto-correct also so perverted that sry to sex and POV to Penis changes?

Don't really use or have auto-correct (same reason as 9.) so no.

11. Do you do martial art and if which?

Don't do any. Sports aren't really my type.

12. Are you happy to finally get to the last question?

Kinda. I am happy so now I can concentrate on continuing my story.

Yeah that's it! Bye! I will not tagg anyone... yet :P

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