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'Live life in the moment.

Live every day as if it's going to be your last.

Live life to the fullest because this second, of this day, of this year in your life, you'll never get it back.

And our ignorant, narrow minded selves disregard this.

Thought the amount may seem small, it still matters.

If we let out inner voices disregard any moment in our life, who knows how much time we have lost already?

Each of these ignored or wasted moments soon accumulate, and before we know it, we've lost a whole life's worth of time, moments, and dreams, before we've even begun our own, or finished it.

A whole life.

What does that mean?

To a person you don't even know that exists, that could mean 4 years.

To others who are more fortunate enough to have access to greater medical help, may call it 90 years.

But in reality, a life is nothing more, or nothing less, of what you perceive it as.

So make your perception, and live it.

If your perception of life is; 'it's just a meaningless cycle', then so be it. Go live it like that.

But if it consists of taking on risks, making dreams a reality, and doing things that your childhood self would never dream about doing, then do it. Go live your definition of life.

What is the meaning of life?

It is nothing short of what you make it.'

Thoughts AbyssTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon