My Uncle Passed Away

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In Language Arts we are doing a project where we have to draw a picture based off a poem. I did "Hope is  the thing with feathers" by Emily Dickinson.

This means a lot to me as it's for my uncle who committed suicide two days ago. We got a call saying he was at home parked in his truck where he'd shot him self in the head. My dad (being a fireman) offered to be the one to go through the truck when his body was removed so my grandpa and aunt wouldn't have to (we needed to see if there were any important documents in his truck before giving it to the police) see his blood.

My poor cousin has to live with us now as her mom died when she was little and now this.

Anyways, I just wanted to post this so y'all could see another artwork and so y'all would know what's happening in case I'm a little off lately.

Thank you all, I still do requests, and I guess it's gonna be a bit before I post the next drawing.

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