4. Bombshell

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*A/N:- Okay, so I haven't published anything for well over a year... Or maybe even two now! So I do apologise, I've been so busy with other things, that I haven't been able to write anything decent. So again, apologies, and I hope you like this chapter!*

'Wow.' I muttered breathlessly. 'Janitor closet sex is actually pretty awesome.' I giggled as I kissed Jordan on the lips, and he, also breathless, made a keen sound of agreement.

With our clothes back on, we snuck out of the closet and made our way back to the viewing room, where yet another steamy sex scene was playing out on the screen.

Evie and Kane were in a rosy little bubble on the back row seats, helpless to each other's lips. A sledgehammer couldn't break their kiss. Jordan and I smirked ironically at each other.

The film (I should really say porno) came to an end, and I literally had to pull the engrossed couple apart.

As we walked out of the cinema, I noticed that it was 4:30, and I only had half an hour to get my makeup off, get those hideous clothes on and go back to that big, depressing house.

Jordan must have noticed what was wrong because he hugged me close, and whispered 'It'll be okay' in my ear. The smile I gave him didn't quite reach my eyes.

Back at the museum, I hurried into the bathroom and changed. My eyes nearly spilled with tears but I willed myself to be strong.

Walking out, I hastily kissed Jordan goodbye - he couldn't be near when my mother arrived. I couldn't risk yet another 'I forbid you to have a boyfriend' lecture.

Evie and I reached the pavement outside just as the car ever so slowly pulled to a stop. I wasn't ready to be left alone with the dragon just yet, so I gave Evie a well-known, secret look.

That said dragon unwound the window and, prissily, snapped 'Well what are you waiting for, Serena? Get in the car.'

'Mother,' I began in my sweet, perfect daughter voice. 'Evie and I need to finish some online research for our project... Will it be okay if she came home with us?'

Huff. Puff. 'Well, it shouldn't be too much of a bother. If it's too late by the time you finish... Well...' And reluctantly, 'She can stay the night too.' My mother pursed her lips and stared out the front window.

Evie and I quickly hopped into the back seat before she could change her mind, and we shared a smile.

Sleepovers, that my parents know of, aren't usually aloud, so when they happen, it's like a freaking miracle.

Out of the car window, I saw the cloud pass the sun, allowing light to fill everything again.

* * * * * * * * * *

Evie and I were snuggled under our duvets, silent, listening out for the sound of my parents door closing, telling us that they were in bed for the night.


We mischievously giggled (quietly, of course), then sat up, uncovering the mountain of chocolate and other forbidden food that we had sneaked back from the supermarket after our visit to 'buy more stationery and materials for our project'.

Whilst we waited until I was positive that my parents were deeply asleep, we had a cosy, best-friend chat/gossip - in whisper-speech - whilst making that mountain of food slowly disappear.

'You know, I think I'm in love with Kane,' Evie whispered dreamily. 'He could really be The One for me.'

I smiled, happy that my best friend was happy. 'Well, you both seem in love, that's for sure! After what I witnessed on those back-row seats at the cinema earlier...' I silently giggled as Evie flushed slightly and threw a pillow in my face.

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