Quartet Night Seiyuu Pt 2

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Waaah, thanks for the encouraging words of the few people that read this! Namely @fina_otaku2121, @rraditha, and @DahlinTakao (PS: Elie, please update your story TAT).

Ok, let's start! I'm listening to Triangle Beat rn (I'm still pissed that they never sung this at the lives), so I have energy! (I hope)

If you haven't noticed, I try to use everyone's first names when writing, but I just can't with Maeno. I'm sorry.

"Who's next?" Mamoru asks as he comes to a halt at a traffic light, glancing back at the eight remaining idols squished into the back of the van that he had begged his manager to borrow.

Syo grits his teeth. It was less cramped now that Ranmaru, Ren, and Masato had left, but it was still crowded enough for Natsuki to hug him due to their closeness. Shouta, sitting in the passenger seat looking at the map on his phone turns as well to glance at them, smiling sympathetically at Syo. "Morikubo-niisan because he's the closest. Gomen, Syo, but we're going to be dropped of last. Hang in there."

He really wonders how it is possible for his senpai's voice actor to be so nice.

Shouta turns to the front as Mamoru watches Reiji annoy Tokiya in amusement. "Ah! Mamo-nii, it's a green light!"

Syo pretends that the shriek he let out was very manly as the car lurches forward as Mamoru stomps on the gas pedal.


"Eh?! EH?!" Showtaro actually rubs his eyes when he is faced with the Genki Trio in human form. "What kind of joke is this?!" He laughs nervously.

"Sorry about this, Morikubo-san." Mamoru offers.

"Why are you so much nicer than with Tatsu-nii?" Shouta mutters, but he too offers his apologies.

"Wah~ He actually has my voice!" Reiji bounces around his shocked voice actor. "Nee, nee, say 'yoroshikumachacha~!'"

"Oh god, it actually is him..." Show taro stares at the brunet in realization before turning his gaze onto Otoya and Tokiya.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Morikubo-san." Tokiya bows before grabbing Reiji's arm. "And for Kotobuki-san's incompetence."

"Ow, Toki~!"

"Nice to meet you!" Otoya offers, a bit unsurely.

"I guess it's nice to meet you all...?" Showtaro trails off.

Shouta laughs sheepishly before he hears a strangled yell that sounds suspiciously like Syo along with a loud "PEASANT!" from the van. Mamoru glances back at the vehicle nervously. He isn't sure what Shining would do if some idols were dead when the UtaPri idols finally returned to their universe.

"A-Anyways, we've got to go, so Tokiya, please explain the situation to Showtaro-nii." Shouta bows again to his colleague before he and Mamoru dash off in the direction of the van.

Showtaro stares after them. "What have I gotten myself in to...?"


When Maeno answers the door right before he eats dinner, he finds Shouta with something that looks suspiciously like frost on the tips of his hair even though it's the middle of August, and Mamoru standing between two very hostile foreigners.

Shouta smiles wearily at him. "Konbanwa, Maeno-san."

"Aoi-kun." He replies in acknowledgement before staring at the two foreigners in hoods. And almost immediately, he asks. "Is that Camus?"

This causes all four to swing their attention to him in shock. Maeno then turns to look at the other stranger. "And Cecil?"

Shouta laughs a bit forcefully. "Maeno-san is perceptive, after all. Yeah, these are the UtaPri idols who came from their universe and need a place to stay until they find a way to get back." He sums it up quickly, unwilling to explain in detail after all he had to go through today. Honestly, a concert and then this?

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