Chapter 2

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Clara continued to show up at the bookstore every week, and she and John would talk about their favorite books. John always gave her a recommendation.

            "Hey, I have a lunch break in ten minutes," John said as he checked out yet another book for Clara. "Do you want to grab some coffee and a bite to eat? There's a café down the road."

            "Sure! I'll take another look around the store while you finish up whatever it is you're doing."

            John smiled. "Brilliant! Just give me a few minutes; I have to put some stuff in the back."

            He headed toward the storage room in the back of the store, and found Uncle Charlie back there, recording inventory. The old man looked up when John entered.

            "Ah, hello there. Taking a lunch break?"

            "How'd you know?" John asked, chuckling.

            "I know you have a certain schedule you stick to," Charlie said, smiling. "You always go out to eat around this time. Go on, I'll hold down the fort while you're gone. But don't be too long. You know this place can get awfully busy."

            John snorted. "Yeah, if you say so. I won't be longer than an hour. See you in a bit."

            He set the books he was carrying into a box, and then went back to the front of the store, where Clara was waiting for him. "Ready to go?"


            They exited the store and started toward the café, walking side by side. "So, how did you end up working in a little bookshop in the middle of London?" Clara asked.

            "I needed some money," John said. "I want to travel around the world, so I decided to get a job there and save up for my trip."

            "Oh, I love travelling!" Clara exclaimed. "Where do you want to go?"

            "I was thinking I'd start with the nearby European countries, then make my way to Asia and the Americas. How about you?"

            Clara stared up at him. "Exactly the same. I can't believe this!" She laughed. "When I was young, my mum gave me this book of 101 Places to See, and I always wanted to go but never had the time or money. Or someone to go with..."

            "Yeah, travelling alone is no fun," John said. They entered the café and found a table. They sat down and looked over the menu.

            "Maybe we could go together," Clara suggested.

            John looked up at her. "Would you want to?"

            She shrugged. "Sure, if you want to."

            John smiled. "Yeah, of course!"

            They ordered their coffee, and Clara also got a mini soufflé. "I love soufflés," she said. "But I'm rubbish at making them."

            John smiled. "I should start calling you Soufflé Girl."

            Clara giggled. "I like it! So, anyway, where would be the first place you would go on your trip?"

            John thought for a moment. "Probably France."

            "Ah yes, I've always wanted to see Paris," Clara said. "And Rome, too."

            John nodded, taking a sip of coffee. "Same here." He glanced at his watch and frowned. "Well, I suppose I should get back to the shop."

            "Yeah." Clara looked out the window sadly. "I'll walk back to the shop with you, if you want."

            "Okay," John said, standing up. He left a tip on the table and then he and Clara walked outside. It had begun to rain again. They started down the street back to the bookshop. When they reached the front door, Clara hugged John, then turned and walked across the street toward her flat.

            John smiled and watched her go, then entered the store. As usual, it was empty except for Uncle Charlie, who was stacking books on a shelf. "John!" he called.

            "Your ability to know when I'm behind you is actually quite frightening," John said with a laugh. "What is it?"

            "Have you been taking my science fiction novels again?"

            "No, sir, I haven't touched them in weeks."

            "Then where have they all gone? I had nearly twenty, and now there's only five left," Uncle Charlie said.

            "Uncle Charlie, has it ever occurred to you that people might actually buy books here?" John asked, smiling. "There's this girl who's been coming in here every week and buying a sci-fi novel."

            "Really?" Charlie looked surprised.

            "Yeah, she comes every Wednesday," John replied. "I recommend books for her, then we talk about them. Haven't you been paying attention to the sales records?"

            "I stopped doing that about three months ago," Charlie said. "No one was buying anything, so why bother?"

            "Well, it's a good thing you have me," John said. "Since Clara started coming here, we've gotten more business than we have in a while."

            Charlie nodded. "Good. You keep it up, lad. Bring some customers in here."

            "Will do!" John smiled, and then returned to the front desk.

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