A Little Less Dark

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Phil sat in his bedroom scrolling through Tumblr as the storm raged on outside. Storms never usually bothered him that much, he was mostly used to it by now, living in London and all. The only thing was that sometimes they kept him up at night, depending on how loud they were. Tonight was one of those nights.
After a few more minutes passed he sighed and rolled over to look at his clock; 3:40.
"Ughhh" he moaned. He and Dan had a lot to do the next day, and knowing their usual sleeping patterns they wouldn't be up super early anyway, he needed to get some sleep so he could maybe function tomorrow while filming with Dan.

Dan. He wondered how Dan was doing with the storm, they never seemed to bother him much, he could usually just sleap through them. And if he didn't they would usually end up having late night cereal and watching Anime together in the lounge, or something like that.

Phil sat up and started scrolling through Tumblr some more, looking through random things that he really didn't care about at all, when all the sudden, the lights went out. He was taken a bit by surprise by this, the lights almost never went out in their flat. Then he heard a sudden yelp form the other room and immediately knew it was Dan. Besides running into almost everything when in the dark, Phil could handle power outages just fine, usually. But Dan however, was deathly afraid of the dark.

After a moment, Phil shut his laptop and climed out of bed. He felt around blindly for the door until he finally found the handle and opened it. Dan would probably be curled up in a burrito of blankets with his computer open trying to stay calm. Phil knew his best friend well enough to know he would be terrified alone in the dark, so why not go check on him?
Luckily Dan's door was directly across from his so it wasn't hard to find. He knocked on the door softly.

"Dan? Can I come in?" He said as he slightly opened he door and peered in. He couldn't help but smile at the sight he saw inside. Dan was infact curled up in a blanket burrito with his computer open in the dark. He let out a small giggle as Dan turned to look at him.

"Phil the lights went out." Dan said in a loud whisper, wrapping his duvet around him more.

"Yeah, I noticed." Phil laughed, then thought for a moment."Um, do you want me to come stay with you until the lights come back on?"

Dan hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding and lifting up the duvet for Phil to climb in to and join him under, instead of standing awkwardly in the door frame.

Usually things like this might be weird for two best friends to do, but him dan Dan were different. They had been best friends for eight years now, they might as well be in a relationship for how close they were.
Plus, he wasn't just going to let Dan suffer in the dark while Phil sat in his room not sleeping anyway.
He opened the door all they way and made his way to Dan's bed, careful not to run into anything.

Phil sat down next to Dan under the covers, and looked at him in the dark lighting. He could tell he was trying not to look scared.

"The lights will probably turn back on in a minute, you know." Phil said to the younger boy, trying to reasure him.

"Yeah, but they might not. We could be stuck in the dark all night!" Dan whined, giving up on his "try to look like you're fine" idea and a look of pure worrie replacing it.

Phil couldn't help but grin. In the dim lighting, Dan looked like a 5 year old scared of an imaginary monster under their bed. Only, Dan was 25.

"We'll be fine, Dan. It's always been okay before, hasn't it?" Phil said as he raised his eyebrows.

Dan just huffed. Phil always found it kind of cute when Dan did that.

Phil thought for a moment on what could calm Dan down a bit, he really was scared oft he dark. He looked at his computer screen and got an idea.

"Do...you wanna wach some anime, maybe?" Phil asked nudjing Dan's shoulder.

Dan nodded and Phil searched for the anime he knew Dan would enjoy, the screen shining bright in his face.

So there they sat, together in the dark, quietly watching Death Note while curled up in Dan's grey duvet. Phil didn't know when, but at some point Dan ended up snuggling into Phil's side, which didn't bother the older boy. Dan was like a teddy bear, so he was nice to cuddle. Dan seemed to be calming down a bit, his eyes had closed and he seemed to be on the verge of sleep.

Phil closed Dan's laptop and put it on top of his dresser. He then scooted down so that he was at face level with Dan.

"Are you feeling better now? I know how afraid you are of the dark." Phil whispered to Dan, moving a stray piece of hair that had falling in his face.

Dan nuzzled his face into Phil's chest and smiled. "Yeah, now that you're here, things seem to be a little less dark."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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