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Previously on what a destiny

"I was so excited about our relationship... I gave him my first kiss ..my whole heart ..
..I loved him more then anything.. I trusted him with my soul .. with my secrets ..with my feelings .. I gave up everything I had for his love .. and one day .. my parents were on a business trip .. . and the maids went out to buy groceries & to walk down in park for a little..me and Gracie were home alone .. I heard knocks on the door rapidly... I got so scared ... then a grown deep voice called out my name aggressively "
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes ..

"I opened the door slightly..shaking and ..it was him .. it was nick"
I could feel my throat got thick and I'm ready to cry

"He pushed me over and I screamed for Gracie to call 911 she was
little but brave.."
I carried on

"What happened next"
Justin asked with a light squeeze on my thighs

"He started..sucking my neck out .. I told him to stop ..but he didn't.. he went all the way down"
I pulled up my knees to myself

"He.. he started ripping my clothes off"
I rested my head on my chin and closed my eyes

"I was screaming.. yelling.. kicking .. but he was way more stronger then me ..whenever I see him This scene appears in my vision.. I can still feel the pain he caused me "
i let out a tear

Justin patted my hair and pulled me to his chest and I rested my head and cried on them

"Then Gracie tried and tried to take him off me ..he slapped her"
i closed my eyes and sniffled remembering the way she cried and screamed for him to let me go but couldn't do anything because she was small

"I yelled at him to not touch us and kicked him in his sensitive spot ,he got off me ..by the time I was left naked"
I felt the warmth from crying on my cheeks

"He.. he stood up and attacked me ..calling me a slut.. he slapped me across the face when I was rejecting his movements I cried and cried ..I had left out with tiredness..completely numb ..I had no more power even to scream for help anymore"
I kept on

"Why did that son of a bitch did all that .. he could've took your permission in the relationship"
Justin gripped his fists

"Because I broke up with him in the early morning that day"
I replied

"But what made him do that"
he asked

"Because I was part of the deal he made with his friends in the first place ..that he need to take my virginity "
I sighed and wiped my tears but new ones were falling down ..replacing one another

"What happened later"
he asked and patted my hair

"He took off his clothes ..but the police hurried and arrived..putting him in handcuffs.. apparently my parents came back that day and they ran to me .. I was sitting in the corner of the hall pulled up my knees to my chin trying to hide my body without a physical expression on my face .. sitting there .. all alone .. numb .."
I said

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