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The announcement repeatedly instructing us to stay where we are... They say it's safer that way...

Why do I feel uneasy with that?

Will all of us be safe?

When are they coming? The ship is tilting too much already...

The others already distributing life jackets, I'm wearing one too. But despite this... The life jackets are already old and wonky. I don't think its fully working anymore.

I can hear my classmates talking, most of them stay in a room like mine... And some on the corridor along with my teacher.

Are we really going to survive this? I look over the window but I couldn't walk there... I want to see the situation outside...

Are they sending us help?

There's estimated three hundred people in this ship... In such short amount of time.. Will we be rescue?

I got snapped out of trance when one of my classmates utter aloud;

Who will take care of my mother if I die?

I looked over to him, to be honest, we all feel the same way.

Who will take care of my parents? My younger sibling if I die here?

I sighed and took out my phone; I already sent over texts to my parents...

I told them about the ship, our current situation, about my own feelings to them...

They said to just listen to the announcement; the orders given. Even they claim help is coming our way. She told me not to panic...

I feel slightly relieved but then again...

Out of a sudden, the electricity got cut off...

Whats going on here? 

I'm scared... Omma... appa...

"Ya! The toilet water is leaking out now!"

"Are we going to survive this? This is reality!"

"I have a lot of dreams I want to achieve..."

I feel so uneasy now, my stomach is repulsing so bad I'm going to puke. I have bad premonition and it's not getting any better.

The others shouting like that... Make it much worse. I have dreams too, I have so much I want to accomplished in my life...

I want to survive too.

We should get out of here



I don't think help is coming anymore, it's getting dark here and I think the ship is already begin sinking...

omma ..


Will I be able to get out alive?
Am I going to see your smile again?


I'm lying if I claimed that I'm doing fine here. I've been crying for hours...
I know deep down, we're going to die even if we all joke about it..
We are very scared and vulnerable.

There's water slowly filling up our space... Everyone panic, I do too... the others desperately move to the top bunk of the bed. The way out pretty much clogged. We couldn't really get out of this place without any help.

I need to do something. At least.
I look around the room and the chair caught my eyes.

"Help me out!" I shouted.
I frantically try to grab the chair... And repeatedly hit it against the window.

there's rescuer nearby... Maybe they will help us... I saw them pulling people up to the helicopter.

I keep on hitting the window in my desperation... The window didn't even broke.

"I want to get out of here!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "We need to get out!" I started weeping, this is real. It's happening.

No help is being sent. We are on our own. We should have just ignored the damn announcement and get the hell out of here...

I stopped trying, the room is filled with silence. And the darkness never stop filling up the void.

The others given up before I do because they can already see the end story of this nightmare. Only me, foolish enough looking pass it.

I guess this is the end of it.
I've never felt betrayed like this, I have so much trust to be treated this way. I believed this is the best. I hope my parents are not blaming themselves too much... This is our of our hands, they always thought of what best for us...

Everyone already sent their last words to their loved ones...

hould I sent mine too?

I reached out for my phone, it lit up the room... The water already gushing in this time around, I pressed sent before I lose grip of the phone...

My teardrops meet the salty water...
My sight become pitch black and I let out bitter smile to the others which probably couldn't see it anymore...

Oh life, let them remember me...let them remember us...

"I don't think I can say this in person mother,
I love you"


all prayers goes to the victim. Rest in peace. For you have been treated that way, I'm sorry, so much could be done... But human have mind of their own and sometimes they just lose sight.

You've been strong enough; our dreams and hope. You will always be remember.

16- 04- 2014


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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