Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

All of a sudden Peeta is thrown away from me, the world has gone dark; black infact. I can’t see anything. The taste of salt attacks my mouth and I realise we have fallen into the sea. I rise to the top and haul Peeta up from under. Although he can’t swim he managed to hold his breath and as soon as we’re both in depth we start to laugh, we laugh a lot.

Johanna looks as if she wants to murder me, I can see her close enough now to notice she is rolling her eyes a hell of a lot. But I don’t care and it dosen’t bother me one bit. Right now I am with Peeta and nothing makes me happier than spending time with Peeta.

“Finally lovebirds, it’s about time” Johanna remarks harshly when we reach the beach. I don’t want to just sit here while Beetee, Finnick and Johanna stare at me and Peeta repeatedly like we are crazy but I don’t have much choice. I want to be back in the moment with Peeta, ten minutes ago felt the happiest I have for ages but now I feel the despair of the world leaking back into me and crushing my soul.

Peeta holds my hand as we all sit here and I catch his eye and manage to give a little grin for him as my checks blush red. Johanna sighs and suggests “Why don’t we all try to get some sleep” we all agree to her plan and as if by coincidence it is Peeta and I who are guarding first.

While Finnick, Beetee and Johanna leave Peeta and me to our own accord, I desire to just make out with Peeta again, but for some reason I am sensing that Peeta is upset. When everyone is out of hearing range I grab his hand and whisper “What is wrong?” “Oh nothing” Peeta denies. “Peeta I know you too well, I know that something is bothering you” I look into his eyes, the eyes I trust more than anyone else’s. “Okay” Peeta admits.

I nod expecting more explanation and then Peeta continues “I’m just scared Katniss” “You see, I just don’t know what is going to happen to us” “Peeta, nothing is going to happen to us” “You are going to win this and then go back home, to district 12” I try reassuring him, but this makes Peeta tense with irritation “No Katniss, you are going to go home” “But Peeta I can’t go home, not without you” I refuse.

Peeta looks down and continues “Please, after all we have been through Katniss, just let me make it up to you by giving you this one last gift” “No I won’t accept that, I have already prepared myself for death Peeta” I start to shout starkly. But as soon as I have shouted it I regret it and burst into tears.

Peeta’s arms reach out for me and I can’t deny them. I wrap myself up in them and whisper “sorry”. “No, I shouldn’t have ever mentioned it in the first place” Peeta sighs. “But Peeta, I want you to be open with me. You can tell me anything” I reply. “I know, but not things that are going to break us” Peeta insists. “We’re unbreakable” I forcefully tell Peeta.

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