Chapter Seven

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For the past month I kinda just stayed away form neji I dont need feelings getting in the way of my success as a shinobi. Sasuke left for a mission out the village I hope he does well. The apartment is so empty without his moody self.

I heard from kiba that today's training will be tough. As always im the first one here. I had bags under my eyes from sleepless nights. Word has spread that neji is getting married with nina once he turns eighteen its an arranged marriage to keep peace between the two families.

Miserable that's how I feel. I really like neji I don't even know if like Is the best word to describe what I feel.

*skip training cause I suck at writing action sorry ⊙︿⊙*

"(y-y/n) w-would y-you l-like t-to c-come o-over f-for d-dinner?" I mean she keeps asking I can't say no this time. I nodded and she grabbed me and we walked to the compound.

"Mrs.Uchiha we missed you"Hiashi said. "well was I missed that much" he chuckled "some in particular" I just smiled and helped set the table.

The moment the table was set neji came in. I couldn't meet his gaze so I ignored him. we were talking about random stuff during dinner and I could feel his gaze on me throughout the whole dinner. Once we finished I helped clean up.

"thanks for having me"Hiashi smiled "you're welcomed any time" I made my way outside. "(y/n) wait!" I stopped but knowing who it was I continued. He grabbed my arm and took me to an ally way.

"why are you ignoring me?" I looked down. "I'm not ignoring you" "don't lie to me, what's wrong" he stepped closer. "look at me" I kept my gaze firm on the ground.

In a fast moment he put his hand on my chin and made me look at him. His beautiful white eyes looking into my soul. "please dont ignore me I want to talk to you" he said. "I can't" he looked at me shocked. my sadness was Turing into anger. i wanted to yell at him and let it out but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "(y/n)" his face was getting closer and closer our lips were almost touching. I turned red. He leaned in. I gasped as I felt his warm lips make contact with mine. He was kissing me, I too started kissing him back. but then I remembered he had a girlfriend I can't do this to her. I pulled back and he groaned making his way back to my lips, I put my hand on his lips "neji stop we cant you have a girlfriend" he looked at me. I gently pushed him off and starting walking home. Left him there standing there in shock.

Neji's P.O.V

I watched her walk away. Oh how I wanted those lips on mine but she does have a point I have a girlfriend. I went to my room and just layed there in my thoughts. I cant stop thinking about that kiss. I'm pretty sure I've never felt like that kissing Nina. the only reason I'm dating Nina Is because her father bribed my uncle into getting us in an arranged marriage. I really don't want it but if I somehow manage to convince my uncle then it will be off I have until I'm 18 to stop this wedding. I just want those lips back on mine.

(y/n)'S P O.V

I walked home and started running half way through. I wish sasuke was here its so quiet without him. But then again he would've gone and punched neji in the face.

I started getting ready for bed since I really have nothing else to do. And stared at the stars thinking of those lips on mine. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I've never slept better than ever. i started getting ready for more training today. And started making my way there.

*time skip*

Training was hard I can barely feel my legs. *sigh*

I sat at a bench when shikamaru walked by. I smirked. Let's mess with shika.

"SHIKAMARU!!!" he turned around and started walking towards me. "what do you want (y/n)" I pouted "I trained very hard and I can barley feel my legs" he raised an eyebrow. "and you want me to carry you?" I nodded. He shook his head. I pouted "please shika-kun" he looked at me for awhile as I kept pouting and making puppy eyes. he sighed. "fine but only because your cute" he picked me up bridal style. Wait did he just say I was cute. "did you say I was cute?" He nodded "your just like a baby (y/n)" I blushed "I'm not a baby" I mumbled as he laughed. As we walked through the village I could feel a pair of eyes drilling holes in my back. I shivered I've never felt this way. I looked around when I saw a pair of white orbs glareing at me.

Neji looked about ready to kill shikamaru. "do you see neji looking at us" I nodded when I felt myself just drop. I looked up to see neji holding shikamarau in a death grip. "NEJI STOP YOUR CHOKING HIM!" he looked at me and dropped shika and picked me up. I looked towards shika and mouthed sorry he just smirked.

Neji was very angry, I could feel it. "nej-. "why were his hands on you" I froze. "answer me" he said through gritted teeth. "I-i a-asked h-him t-to c-carry m-me h-home" man he's even making me stutter. "why" why does he even care. "that's none of your concern" he pinned me to a Wall and stared at me. This feels awfully familiar, I blushed rethinking of the kiss. he let me go and I struggled to stand up. He turned and walked away. Jeez what's wrong with him.

He left me even further away from my house. I started wobbling home when I saw a certain pink hair. I ran towards them and jumped on sasuke. "your back oh how much ive missed you" he just blushed and pushed me away. "carry me my legs hurt" I said and jumped on sasuke. he barely caught me. "hahahahahahahahaha your a slave teme" I glared at naruto and he stopped and ran away. sasuke started walking home with me in his shoulder. Jeez he could at least hold me right. I rolled my eyes and fell asleep on him.

i screamed as sasuke freaking threw me on the floor. "hey what was that for" I said rubbing the back of my head. "make me food I've come back from a mission having to carry you home the least you can do is feed me" I glared at him and walked to the kitchen to make some udon.

While we were eating sasuke was telling me about his missions and what they did and promised to show me all the new moves And all about this big fight.

I cleaned up and got ready for bed starring out at the night sky again. Today was such a weird day. Falling into a deep sleep.


Sorry for the long wait guys I have finals coming up and I've been studying nonstop, but don't worry I will be updating and I will be making the chapters longer.

And again thank you so Much for reading, and I hope that you continue to read.

- Author-Chan

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