Escape and Arrival

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We zoomed to the car like madmen, evading bullets from all sides. Skye jumped over the hood of the vehicle and opened the car door. She let herself fall in and closed the door. She slid down and began to relax.

"Kelvin Irial, stop right where you are and put your hands up!" yelled an enforcer of the law into a megaphone. I opened my mouth to speak but right as the first letter escaped my mouth, a bullet entered my leg. My leg seemed to respond negatively and completely gave out, causing me to trip, fall, and be surrounded by dozens of enforcers.

Skye didn't notice; the only sign she was waiting for was for me to get in the car. The officers picked me up, put me into those damn handcuffs and hauled me away, kicking and screaming. Skye still didn't notice.

Of course, I thought nothing of it- until I saw the bullet hole and cracked windshield. 

"I didn't wake up until late that night. I remember just feeling immense pain, like incredibly bad. I had no clue where I was and I had totally forgotten about Kelvin. Where is he?" I asked the man who sat across from me at the restaurant. 

"Heard he was in jail, lady," he told me. I had no idea who this random stranger was but he seemed nice enough and he bandaged my wounds, so that made me comfortable around him. He looked familiar though, or so I thought.

"Hey, have I ever seen you before?" I asked him curiously.

"Hell, I don't know. I don't know what it is that you see and what it is that you don't see. Therefore, don't ask me questions like that, because I don't know." he told me as he looked me straight in the eyes. "I bandaged your wounds and brought you here so you could eat. You don't have to ask me questions or tell me your life story."

"My lord, calm down. I was just asking. You looked familiar, that's all." I told him. He calmed himself and looked me up and down. I was feeling as though he enjoyed the sight of my body; I didn't like that.

"So, what are you doing in the small town of Cloveshroud, miss?" he asked me. I shrugged. "And why do you have a bullet wound in your chest?"

"Well..." I struggled to think. "I think I was... San Navallo, I was in San Navallo. Don't freak out but the cops had me held there and my boyfriend came and freed me. We had a hotel on the waterfront and they found us, so we ran. Apparently, he was caught but I was shot unbeknownst to the cops. I think I woke up a few hours later and kind of stumbled around for a bit. The rest is basically a blur like I was drugged or wasted and had lost all control."

"Do you know where I found you?" he asked me. I shook my head as a way to say no. He stood from the table to stretch. He pushed the chair away from the table with the back of his legs. He flung himself into the chair and put his feet on the table. "I don't know if you've ever killed anyone but let me tell you, I sure as hell have. Have you ever heard of a man by the name of Brian Dowarroy?"

I hesitated for a moment but gave in. "Yes... I-I do."

"Well, I found you 15 minutes away from my house on the outskirts of town. You were behind a dumpster at a club on Blacktop Lake. Brian Dowarroy was there... you could say he was 'abusing' you." he stated quietly, making quotation marks with his fingers as he said abusing

I looked at him strangely. Brian was dead already, I knew that for a fact. So how was Brian there? Iris killed him after discovering his true identity as an FBI agent. 

The man sitting across from me saw the look of true curiosity I was giving him and he motioned for me to follow him as he stood from his chair. I obliged and counted my steps as we walked across the wooden floors of the old ramshackle family restaurant. 

The man entered the basement and I trudged after him. The moment he pushed open a door I saw flashing lights and heard a game of pool going on. 

The man turned to me and began to speak. "Welcome, missy, to the Scarecrow club." 

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