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 (written 3 years ago.. just republishing. excuse my bulky grammar. enjoy!)

Since my hobby is to release my pain by writing, I'll write it down. Although you hate dramatic things like this, I want to tell everyone about you. 

Living in a rich family is an everyone's dream. They thought that if you're a rich kid, then you have no problems at all. I do oppose to that idea, because living in a family which is rich and manipulated is not my dream. I'd rather chose to live in a normal life, than living my current life that has a fixed future and destiny. Fortunately, my older sister understands me. She told me to do things I want to do. She told me to be free, to be happy.

I've been always longing for a parent's love, real love. It's so hard living in a family which being a lawyer is everyone's destiny. I did take journalism, and my family began to say curse words behind my back. Rebellion was the first idea that came up to my mind, and I never had any regrets doing it. Because of this, you became a part of my messy life.

I ran away from our house, with my backpack hanging on my shoulders. I wandered anywhere, because I didn't have any place to go. Walking alone in a dark, and quiet street was indeed scary. Only few street lights were there to illuminate the street. Suddenly, I bumped with some drunk guys and they began to take advantage on me. I couldn't run away, because they were so many and indeed strong. Two of them held each of my arms, before slamming me to the wall not far away from us. I winced in pain as my back crashed to the hard wall. I cried and begged them to let me go. I wriggled my arms, but it wasn't enough to beat their grips.

"Help!" I screamed out of nowhere, just to receive a beating from them. A guy then suddenly ripped my shirt, exposing my bare body, showing my bra. I could smell his stinky breath as he leaned closer to me. I cried and begged them again and again, but nothing happened. I just wanna die that time, and I wished someone would see me, and save me. I closed my eyes in order to vanished every nasty doings from my sight, as I felt his mouth sucking the skin of my neck. Hearing their evil laughs made my legs trembling in fear. My face was drenched with my tears, and the silence was shooed by my screams. But then a guy came, and saved me. I was so amazed as I watched you beat five guys. Just using a piece of wood, you beat them with all of your efforts. Your gaze averted to me who was sitting on the cold street floor, with my bare back resting on a hard wall, crying so loud, and body was shaking.

I hugged myself as I felt the cold wind brushed my bare skin. You walked closer to me, and lent me your jacket. I wanted to say thank you, but there has no energy left for me to utter a word. You assisted me to stand up, and supported me to walk. You dragged me in your house that was not so big as ours. You gave me a shirt to cover my back, and even foods to filled my empty stomach.

"You should have walked with someone that can protect you." you said, being cold at that time.

"Thank you." I mumbled under my breath.

"You must go home now, I'm sure your parents are looking for you." you said with a cold voice, and an unidentified expression.

  That was our first time to meet each other. You walked with me, until I got home. You didn't utter a word, or anything. You just left me as I was already in front of our house. My parents hugged me, and did anything to warm me up. I told them anything, I told them about you. I apologised to my sister who cried in front of me, because she was afraid that what if no one was there to save me? Days passed and I already got over that accident, but I couldn't forget you. I looked for you everywhere, and tried to find you.  You were nowhere to be found, until a dance concert became a way for us to meet again. I was amazed as I watched you performing on the stage. I clapped my hands, being amazed.

"Hey!" I called your attention as you walked down from the stage, after your performance.

"Why are you here?" you asked, being cold to me all of a sudden. You didn't even look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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