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Going down the road, I stare out the window and watch as tree after tree pass by. I start to count.

One tree.

Two tree.

Three tree.

Four tr-

I gasp. It's him. My mom looks at me quickly before turning back to watch the road, "Skylnn dear, are you alright? It's not one of your panic attacks? Because if it is-"

I ignore her and turn to stare at the spot I just saw the man in black. Not only was he dressed in black, but he also had.... black wings.

It's not the first time I've seen him. I have seen him through out my childhood.

One time I saw him when I was 5, we were crossing the road to get to the mall, and he was standing on the sidewalk.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look," I had said, but when I turned to look back he was gone. My mother brushed it off as my childish imagination. That was until I pointed him out when I was around 9.

I was at the school playground, swinging. I jumped out of my swing and was running back to it, when I saw him.

He stood not even three feet away from me. He stood there looking at me with ice blue eyes. Eyes that looked straight into my soul.

The bell rang and I turned and started to go into the school. When I turned back to see him again, he was gone.

After that day, I had told my mother about him again. But when I explained what I had saw, she shrugged it off again thinking I was just a creative person.

I saw him again when I was 12. I was unsure to tell mother. I evenly let it slip when she asked how my day was a school. And being my idiot younger self, I told her everything.

That's when the doctors came. And just like that my life turned upside down. They soon diagnosed me with anxiety and some form of scitaphrinia.

Now it's been 4 years and my mother still worries about me. But not as much.

"-you know what has happened in the past." My mother says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine mom, I know, I just saw a deer on the side of the road" I lie.

"Okay," she says with a smile.

After about another hour of driving, I see a sign.



I sigh. Great.

I'm a city girl, not a country girl. I think as we pass by rows of fields.

Why did my parents have to get a divorce?

"We are here, come on." I hear my mother tell me.

I get out of our car and head to the door. I get my key out, and unlock the door to my home.

My new life.


HI! This is my new account, my dad made me delete my account soooooo here I am on a new one! This was a book I was working on before so!

I changed Roses name to Ashlynn! If you like it, tell me please!!

I also changed this prologue up becuase I only had the first part of it saved to my notes on my phone! :(

My book the turn is sadly gone :( but if you would like, comment bellow and inform me and I can rewrite it!!

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Peace! ✌️

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