Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day, looking at the unopened boxes in my room. Kristina and Michael were out looking for a job, and Logan was with the gang. I didn't hear my parents, so I went downstairs and picked up our phone.
"Hey, this is Allison. Is Ponyboy there?"
"I'm pretty sure, since he DID pick up the phone!" I heard Ponyboy laugh.
"Can you come over? I need some help unpacking."
"Gotcha." He hung up the phone, so I put it down and walked back upstairs.
About ten minutes later, after I had unpacked my clothes, he knocked on the door. "Come in!" I yelled, pulling out one of the drawers on my dresser. My dad had put it together last night, thank God. I put away the clothes that Ponyboy didn't need to see, right before he walked into the room. "Hey, Allie." He smiled, walking over. I turned around, smiling softly. "Hey Pony!" He leaned against the wall, looking at the boxes. "You need some help, huh."
I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. There's like five million boxes in here!" He laughed, picking up a box labeled "Framed pictures" and turning to me. "I assume these would go on shelves or your dresser." He grinned, motioning to the box with his beautiful hazel eyes. I blushed slightly, taking the box from him. "Can you take the ones with pink frames and put them on the wall shelves?" I asked, taking out the ones with blue frames. Ponyboy nodded, lifting the five delicate pictures from the box. He carefully examined each of the pictures, his green-grey eyes sparkling with excitement. "These are beautiful.. Who took them?" He asked, looking over at me.
I grinned, picking up my camera which I had unpacked earlier. "I may or may not be into photography, along with literature."
He stared in awe at the ten pictures. His eyes were mostly on the one in my arms. It was just a picture of one of those wish flowers, but the focus and the detail made it seem perfect.
"You're an amazing photographer..." He whispered.
I grinned, spinning around and placing the pictures where I wanted them to go.
About two hours later, my entire room was unpacked. Ponyboy was exhausted, and he had passed out in my bean bag chair. It was teal, just like the picture frames.
My room had a white, teal, and rose-gold color scheme. My walls were rose gold, my dresser and carpet white, my bedspread, chair, and bookshelf were teal, and the rest was white. My door was white, my closet/wardrobe too. Basically everything was one of those three colors. My bed I loved most of all, but who doesn't? The frame was white, with a teal curtain-like structure draping down over it. The bedspread was rose gold, and had white chevron markings near the edges. My pillow was teal, and the case was white and teal zebra print. I had a fluffy teal carpet by the door, where my shoes were. I only had three pairs of shoes that I brought from our old house. My black Converses, my black combat boots, and a pair of white dress flats. I only had one pale pink sun dress, and I didn't plan on wearing it anytime soon.
Ponyboy looked so peaceful sleeping on the blue chair. I almost didn't wanna wake him. Then, I heard the front door open. I gasped, shaking him awake and pushing him to the window.
He practically fell out the window, but it wasn't a far drop to the porch. He glared at me, but I could only giggle. "Sorry, parents!" I whisper yelled, closing the window. I turned around when Logan walked into my room.
"Hey kid, I'm sorry for messin with you yesterday.." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
I grinned, hugging him in return.
He smiled, walking out of the room and back downstairs. I turned back to the window, seeing Ponyboy standing in the yard.
"Hey Allie, take this!" He yelled, throwing his blue-gray jacket up to my window.
I grinned when catching the zip-up jacket, looking back down at the blonde-haired boy.
He smirked, waving bye before walking off. I held his jacket close for a few minutes, then turned around and shut my window. Logan stood in the doorway, his eyes bright.
"That kid sure does like you, Allie." Logan grinned.
I rolled my eyes. "We just met yesterday."
Michael and Kristina walked by, laughing as usual. They looked into my completely unpacked room, scowls on their faces.
"Looks like someone had nothing better to do than unpack." Michael smirked.
Kristina grinned, "What did you expect, it's not like she has any friends."
Logan narrowed his eyes at our older siblings. "Hey dumbasses, she actually does have friends. Unlike you, she spent the day with her friends and did this last minute. While you two failed at getting jobs because you're snobby and useless, she got stuff done around here."
I held back a laugh when seeing the look on my siblings faces. Logan was basically on top of Michael, and Kristina had left in tears.
I knew this would be a fun, fresh start.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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