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Sean Frye is anything but a coward, in fact, he was hero, well at least he thought so. Sean is more of an "anti-hero" types, that's what the community thought, he is one of the obnoxious ones, going around acting like he's gods gift to creation. Sean is, however, a hero, he won all the battles he was basically Mr Popular, although no one actually liked him. He stood at a grand old height of 6ft 9" with his ragged brown hair just grazing the bottom of his chin, and lean muscle made him stronger than any other guy his age which is perhaps the reason behind his prowess.


Zillah Guerrero means Shadow Warrior. Zillah never really understood why she was called this, shadow she got, with her waist-length brown-black that fell in curls down to her waist and her deep navy black eyes that looked like the sky, and sparkled as if they were full of stars, Zillah knew she could undoubtedly blend into the background.She was no warrior, not like her mother, who knew exactly how to wield a blade with the elegance and dignity that she carried herself. From a young age, she would watch as her mother and father trained. Watching her dad and how he would brush his dark hair, out of his face, while trying to take on her mother. Who stood there like some kind of angel with her porcelain skin and beautiful blonde hair with her crystal blue eyes and ever so sharp cheekbones. Zillah only dreamed that she could be as elegant and beautiful as her mother when she grew up.It was Zillah's sixteenth birthday, a big day in the community and one of the many traditions the celebrations were as big and as important as her wedding day. Still, she wanted Nothing more than to just stay in her room painting shadow figures and glimmering swords like always. However, she had to get changed into some white flowy dress with white roses in her hair. Become the opposite of who she was. The outfit, the event itself, made her stand out too much, it commanded the attention by contrasting with her tawny skin. The attention she didn't want. Standing in front of the mirror she took in her complexion there seemed to be a soft glow to her tawny skin which gave a sense of flawlessness to it, however only Zillah could see how imperfect her face was with the patches of blackheads on the pores beside her nose and cheekbones, after all this time she looked little like her mother and more and more like a father expect with almost black eyes instead of his brown. The only way that you would know that Leah Guerrero was her mother was the matching surname and the cheekbones they both possessed. Pulling her hair back into a french braid she started tucking small white roses into the crevasses in the braid, she sighed just wishing she could vanish into a void of nothingness.Breaking Zillah's train of thought "Zillah? Are you almost ready?" her mother yelled up the stairs.Staring back at her reflection Zillah took a deep breath in and out, better now then never, she thought to herself, as she pulled the light off.


Sean knee there was something wrong, the time dragged, the birds' wings seemed to flap in slow motion, there was silence in the meadow as if everyone, everything was holding its breath as if waiting for something.There it was.That sound.Unmistakable.Sean Jumped into action, there was something or someone in the woods that wasn't meant to be there...


When the Guerrero's arrived at the clearing, the rest of the community was already there, Zillah looked down the rows upon rows of people all differing in ages. And all of them there for her. As it was autumn, the floor was blanketed in yellows, browns and golds of the crisp fallen leaves, that seemed to match the blushing pink decorations perfectly, with the soft orange glow of the sunrise. If Zillah adored attention, this would have been the perfect day, but she didn't. She just wanted to blend in and go unnoticed. As her parents slipped away, leaving her standing there, behind her woodland and in front of her a celebration in her honour. A choice was to be made, join the life she never felt part of, or turn her back on her family and lead a regular life...


Without thinking, Zillah scrunches up the front of her dress in her palms before sprinting through the woods. Hoping that they, the community and her parents wouldn't be too hurt by this decision, to leave, this wasn't right for her, all she knew was she was no fighter and that she shouldn't be thrown into a never-ending war, she just wanted to be free to be a normal girl. A girl that could spend high school not worrying is the opposition was hiding around the corner, or not having the spend every other hour training for a battle that was bound to never come. But to have friends that she could count on, not just in war, but to be there in heartbreak when the boy she likes falls for another girl...Snap! A stick snaps no more than a few meters away, and Zillah knows that it most certainly isn't Nelly her raven, the snap was far too loud for such an elegant bird..."Woah there, what do you think you are doing?" a husky voice said behind her."Nothing... What are you doing following a girl at this hour, isn't it a little early?" Zillah couldn't bear to turn to face the voice that had whisked her away from her thoughts of her hopeful new reality if she could only get away from the restraints of the community."Well, says the girl running away from her own communion" this time the voice had a slightly amused softness to it. Who was this person, destroying her grand escape... She daren't turn, but something was telling her to, call it what you must but as Zillah will say years from now. Curiosity. But didn't she know that curiosity had killed the cat?Zillah says in a soft voice before spinning herself around. "Well, I, for one, do not care for such things. I just want to find happiness somewhere that's not here..." Sucking in her breath, shocked to see a boy about a year or so older than herself standing before her. His face had few creases against his angelic skin that had a slight shimmer to it, this confused the Zillah, who had found herself speechless how could a boy so young have so few flaws when she was still fighting with spots and blackheads that had set up their own community in her pores."What and you came to the woods to find this" he raises his hand to his lips as if in thought "utopia?" his blue eyes sparkled with mischief, knowing full well what Zillah had intended to do."Come on," he says, holding out his hand "come back to the clearing, I promise it's a whole lot less doming than you think."Placing her hand in his, somehow his words had calmed Zillah, "you've never told me your name" she says softly."Oh, it's Milo. Milo Callahan. And you must be Zillah Guerrero." he says matter of factly."That would be I," Zillah says before giving a small curtsy. "A pleasure to meet you, Milo Callahan.""I could say the same to you Zillah, the Shadow Warrior" And for once the name seemed to fit.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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