Chapter 11

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Kiya was pacing around the cabin. She didn't understand anything. What she really wanted to do was talk to her mother. But Rosie had said that halfbloods aren't allowed phones. They are too dangerous. But Kiya swore that she had saw Lily holding one.

This place was strange, but it really was starting to feel like home. The weirdest part, though, was that, until a week ago, this was the kind of place that Kiya would have thought only existed in books and films. The books and films were now her life. She was a halfblood. Daughter of Zeus, who apparently broke some promise when he had her.

Kiya heard the bell right, signaling that it was time for breakfast. Kiya raced out the door and into the Dining Pavilion. She gracefully landed on the bench, her hair tangled in her face.

Rosie came up with lily and sat across from Kiya with a food tray and giggled. "What happened to you?" she laughed. Kiya's face turned bright red and smiles shyly.

"I've just been busy?" Kiya said.

Lily half smiled. "Busy with what?"

"I-um-I've j-just been thinking...lots to think about!" To avoid embarrassing herself anymore, Kiya stood up, taking her food to the fire. It was nice to be away from everyone. Lily, especially. It was reassuring to know that she could hide her secret for a bit longer. But what if what Max had said was right? What if Lily couldn't control herself? That would mean that Kiya would be in a lot more trouble than she was right now.

Suddenly Kiya felt someone tap on her shoulder. "Hey. Are you okay?" Kiya glanced over at Noah.

"I-I'll be fine." She said and looked away.

"If we're too hard on you, let us know. We've all been in your place before." No you haven't. Kiya couldn't help but think but she nodded her head anyways.

"I don't fit in here," Kiya blurted.

"Of course you do," Noah said. "We're all just like you."

He headed over and sat beside Rosie kissing her quickly on the cheek.

"No... you're not," Kiya said. Nice going, Kiya. Keep that mouth of yours running, and you might just lose your head, Kiya thought.

Kiya was starting to see what Max had been talking about. She was finding it harder and harder to keep her mouth shut. All through breakfast, Kiya barely said a word. She couldn't look at Max or Lily. It was risky sitting near Lily, especially since her thoughts would basically give away her secret.

Only a week, Kiya thought to herself, and she was a nervous wreck already. She brushed her hair out of her face and stood up. Her friends glanced up at her.

"Is everything alright?" Lily asked, her face tainted with worry.

"Everything fine," Kiya answered hastily. "I'm just not hungry."

She turned and walked out of the pavilion. She could feel her friends' eyes burning into her back as she turned the corner and out of sight.

God, this was hard. It felt wrong to lie, but she had to keep her blood lines a secret. And when she got to Hogwarts, it would be much easier. Two more months. Kiya had barely made it back to her cabin, when she heard someone call out her name.

"Kiya! Kiya? Do you want to talk?" Kiya whipped her head around, not wanting to talk to anyone. But she saw that it was Jason calling her name.

"J-Jason! I-I..."

"Come on Kiya. You can talk to me. You seemed upset with your friends." Jason reached out, opening their cabin door.

"I-I wouldn't exactly call them my friends..." Kiya said slowly. She wanted it to be true, she willed it to be true. But she knew that it wasn't. They were her friends. Max, Rosie, Noah and Lily, they had only ever been nice to Kiya. And in return, Kiya had lied to them.

"Kiya." She looked up at Jason, meeting his eyes as they both stepped forward and into the cabin.

"I'm not really sure that I can tell you anything..." Kiya clenched her fists.

"Don't you trust me?" Jason's eyes flickered.

"Of course, I just need to think it out more." Kiya replied. "I'm going back to our cabin."

He nodded and smiled, "I'll be at the Lava Wall if you need me."

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