Peter Pan Imagine (1)

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"Shh! It's going to alright!" You said into your little brothers hair.. He looked so pitiful. He had walked into your room that night with the biggest red, puffy eyes in the world. He complained of a shadow that picked on him and called him mean names.. His blanket dragged along the floor and knocked over something small on the ground, and that was what woke you up..

"It was just a dream. There's no need to be afraid!" You said trying to reassure him. He shook his head frantically. "No, sissy! It was there! I saw it!" You rubbed his back as he continued to cry.. "It said it would come for me! I don't wanna go with it sissy! Don't let it take me!" You almost smiled. Your brother had been experiencing this every night for the past week. You only suspected it was nightmares.

"I won't let it get you!" You looked into his tear-filled eyes. "I promise!" He smiled and laid down on your bed..

"What do you think you are doing?" You said laying beside him.. "You said you would protect me." He yawned.. "Tell me a story sissy!" You sighed and laid on your back..

"Once Upon a Time there was a mischievous little boy! He battled pirates, and never grew up!" You turned to your smiling brother. "His name was Peter Pan! One night he heard a girl telling stories about him! He sat by her window every night just to hear stories about himself!" Your brother giggled.. "He was about to fly away when their dog snatched away his shadow!"

"You mean like the shadow I saw tonight?" Your brother said holding tight to his blanket. "No, no! This shadow wasn't scary at all! In fact, it looked exactly like the boy!" Your brothers eyes widened and it made you laugh.. "The boy came back for-"

You were interrupted by the window opening.. The cool breeze swept through the room and it made the walls creak.. You went to get up when your brother tugged on your arm and pleaded for you not to go.. You managed to pull him off of you and you made your way towards the window..

You peered outside it and quickly shut it.. You wrapped your arms around yourself and walked back to the bed. "Heaven's it's cold!" You said through chattering teeth. You looked up and didn't see your brother.. "Where has he gone off to now?" You said to yourself.

"Yes I wonder where?" I voice said behind you. It made you jump around looking for where it came from.. "Who's there?" No answer came. You went to run to the door when it slammed shut. You began to panic as you ran back towards the window, but it shut as well.

"No no no!" You said trying to lift it up.. "Will you please quit trying?" You turned around to see a young boy sitting on your bed.. "It's no use!" He said getting off of it..

You couldn't say anything. You were too in shock. You looked up, and he was looking through your photo albums on your night stand. "Stop!" You said running over to him, slapping his hands away. He smirked as you placed the books back on the table. "Who are you? What do you want?" You questioned.

"I'm Peter.. Peter Pan." He said smiling. You laughed. Was this boy serious? "I'll believe you're Peter Pan when humans can fly!" You said still laughing.. He raised his brow and grabbed your wrist. You pulled back, but he continued to walk forward.

"What do you think you are doing!" You yelled. "Mom-" you were cut off by him yanking you through the now open window. He sprinkled what looked like sand over you. You looked at him as he pushed you off.. You yelled as you went down. Before you hit the ground it was like you were levitating.

"W-what?" You said looking up.. He came down face to face with you. "You said you would believe I was Peter Pan when humans could fly." He said while straightening you up. "Well it looks like you're flying!"

Your eyes widened and you smiled.. You flew into the sky laughing. "I can fly!" You yelled as you flew with the cold night air. "I can fly!" You repeated.. Soon the boy caught up with you and pointed down to the ground. You flew down with him.

"I can't believe it!" You said after catching your breath. "You're Peter Pan!" You realized you were standing on your roof, so you flew back down into your room, and he followed.

He stepped towards you and grabbed your hand.. "I have to leave." He said looking towards the window. "But I'll be back to hear more stories!"

"You heard me talking to my brother?" You asked.

"I sat by the window.." He said smiling. You gave him a smile back and quickly kissed his cheek. "Thank you, for teaching me how to fly.."

You could tell he was blushing.. He stared in shock and it only made you smile.. "Bye Peter." You said as he turned his back..

As soon as he flew out your brother came back into your room.. "Where did you go?" He said.. "I got up and looked everywhere!" You laughed. "I went looking for you!" He nodded his head and crawled back into your bed.. "Can you tell me more of the story?" He said snuggling next to you..

"I'll tell you more tomorrow" you said yawning..

"What if the shadow comes and takes me?" He whispered..

"I don't think that shadow will bother you anymore.." You said closing your eyes..

Okay first imagine completed! If you would like one specifically for you message me! But you must be following me!

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Please tell me if you like me doing these :) it let's me know what I'm doing wrong!

Have a good day/night!

xoxo Emily

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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