Last Time On This Shittt

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~4/14/17 6 Days til 4/20 🔥💨🌿

           Anyways, How are you all? I hope you all are doing great. Now let's get into this mountain of shit called the last few days.

            Alrighty, let's start off with last week (cause why not?). So, I almost got arrested along with my sister JC. Because some stuck up bitch (she knows who she is), ratted us out for pills. I needed an anxiety pill because of some things going on in my household (I'll get to that later). So, my friend Josie did me a solid and got me a pill because I had shakes and my stomach was weak. I took the pill and immediately felt better. Then a week later on Monday the 10th I was called to the SRO's office and asked about it. I denied it, of course and she believed me. JC was called down next and denied it as well. She found out the person that ratted us out. The funny thing is, This person was all over JC saying "Ooh, you should totally hook me up". So I don't understand why she would rat JC and I out if she wanted one. But whatever, Juvy doesn't scare me.

          So on February 15th 2017, My best friend, my baby girl, my headache, my sister, my everything came into my life. We have gone through some things when fakes come and go she has been there. When certain people break their promises on me *Cough Cough*, when I get into fights,  she has my back, when people start shit with me she makes sure their fucking sorry. I have had fights with her, I have had late nights with her. But goddamn it, she is my everything.

         Back on track, I just recently had my 2-month anniversary. I swear sometimes I want to spend all the time in the world with him but other times I want to beat the shit out of him. He and I got in a little disagreement this past Thursday. There is a girl (who I don't feel like naming because I actually have manners so let's call her fuckface), who I borrowed some clothing from. Fuckface decided to start talking to me again on this past Thursday. She said to my boyfriend (who she thinks is her best friend), "Tell Eve I need my stuff back". He emails me and relays the message to me. I reply, "She has a mouth, she can come and talk to me. Unless she is going to tell the cops about that too". She proceeds to take my Boyfriends computer and email me, " It's Fuckface, look I'm not starting anything I just want my stuff back. No hard feelings but I really can't or want to talk to you. So if you'll give me my stuff back I won't have to keep asking Dj about my stuff." I replied, "And like I said, You could've just came up to me and asked it's not like I have some infectious disease, and if you don't want to talk to me then why did you start talking to me again? Why did you act like we were cool? It's sad. Whatever, and if you don't like me and you don't wanna talk to me, keep my name out of your mouth." She replies with, " I know, I'm asking for much. Hell just give me my stuff." I said that I will give her, her shit back after spring break. She seemed salty, but it's whatever. Then my boyfriend was all like "yeah give her, her stuff back" the people that honestly know me well enough know they shouldn't every tell/try to tell me what to do. That immediately pisses me off. So, then I say "again, you dont tell me what to do. Back off." He replies with, "Do you know who your talking to?". I reply with, "Yes. And you sure as hell aren't even going to try to tell me what to do. If you like her so much and want me to give her stuff back so back then why don't to just go out with her?" He replies with, "NO. I don't even like her." Then I just stopped talking to him and ignored him for the rest of the day.

      The saddest part is, a friend of mine made a funny ass prediction. She said "don't worry, he will come back and apologize when he sees that he wronged you." and sure enough, 10 minutes later I get a text reading "I'm sorry". I didn't reply, so at the end of the day before our PBIS celebration he runs up to me while I'm at my locker and hugs my and I almost fucking gut punch him. He keeps saying sorry, I laughed and hugged him back, I say "I accept your apology. Just dont be a dumbass again." He laughed and said it was impossible. I went to our PBIS celebreation because even though my grades suck dog dick my homeroom techer got me in cause he loves me. (Shout out to Mr. Dawson). I go to my first station, which happens to by my music teacher, (I love her to death). I sit down and tell a close friend of mine who happens to be in the same station about what had happened that day. The funny part was this 6th grader looked at us and asked, "You guys are in 8th grade right?" We said yes, and she said, "Wow, you guys still deal with drama like that? That's sad." We both agreed.

            Now, onto today's mess. I went on a trip to VA with my dad, who happens to be my best friend. We got on the topic of fuckface, and I told him what had happened. He said, "well, honestly she just did that just to be an asshole. I wish she would've told you why she did that because honestly if you got arrested for some dumb shit like that then me and her parents would have some problems." He went on to say that he thinks her meds are getting to her head. We went on to joke about how he thinks My new best friends are much more grounded and down to fight for me and with me when times get hard. I love my dad so much I swear, he has been there through so much shit. When my mom would beat me, when my brother would get beaten with hot skillets, when my mind would get the best of me. I hope he is around to see his grandchildren.

I hope all of you have a nice night. (or day or morning, wherever you are). I love you all, find peace and love inside of yourself to spread around to others. Total of 1144 words

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