Him Again!

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My Dearest Diary: After my utter breakdown took place, Yukki had simply no choice but to take the. Month off, and leave MurMur- san to tend to the issues of the World. I'm sure as long as causality remains in tact, we'll have nothing to worry about. There is no doubt that these last few weeks have brought our family closer together then i ever could've dreamed! Yukki was actually here to see Yua eat her first solid food! The amazing thing about Yua is she's been learning things at a very fast rate. Her first solid food may have been a thing we had to inevitability get her used to, but she can already speak in full sentences, and can read your average children's storybooks. I'm so happy, but at the same time sad to see my little baby girl grow up so fast. I promise i will never hurt Yua, and i won't let anyone hurt my little girl either! Besides that point, my sweetie and I have spent every night talking through our problems, and letting our anxieties melt away. His kisses feel sweeter then they ever did before, and i cherish every precious moment of time we share. It finally feels like happy ever after may not be an eternity away.

That's what i thought until it all came crashing down with the deafening knock of a door, and the reflection of red and blue lights in the window.
" Yuno... W-why are the police here?" Yukki asked, his bright blue eyes piercing into mine.
Yukki answered the door, to the Junior police force. " Hands up against the wall!" they shouted at us both. We obeyed their commands willingly,and i frantically searched around, looking for a possible way out. There seemed to be only two officers at first, easy enough to outwit in my opinion, but then their numbers tripled. All the Junior detectives surrounded me, feeling so cleaver because they had numbers on their side. One of them, a 14 year old girl walked up to me, smirked, then slammed me against the wall." Yuno Gasai! You are under arrest for suspicions of murdering a fellow officer!" they didn't even read my rights to me before they had me cuffed, and were carrying me out to their car, i shouted out to Yukki" Sweetie! I didn't do anything!" My words were creditable for once, i had no idea what these bitches were talking about, or what i had to do with it. Their car had a built in steel wall between the drivers, and whoever was unfortunate enough to be sitting back here. The seats had the smell of sweat and salty tears, which stunk of desperation. I overheard the two cops talking about me up in front.
" This one doesn't talk much does she?" the boy asked.
The girl who slammed me against the wall eyed him, the slowly spoke" The boss said she was a tough nut to crack, cold hearted, completely insane overall. The boss himself is supposed to interrogate her." she smirked as she mentioned the boss.
" Wow! Are you serious Clara? The head detective himself? No one's ever seen that guy in person!"  the guy said. "Who was this head detective, and what does he have against me?" I thought to myself, when suddenly knock gas sprayed out through some nuzzles unexpectedly. I tried to hold my breath, but all too soon, my eyes grew drowsy, and i lost consciousness.

When i came to I was in a dark room, simply lit by one desk lamp dimly. It was extremely hot and uncomfortable, and i seemed to be strapped to some sort of chair meant to distribute electrical shocks. The silhouette of a lone figure could be seen in the light, and as he walked into the light, I saw his silver hair glimmer, his dark red eyes starring  directly at me, and his all too familiar smirk mocking me. " Akise Aru!" I growled angrily
"Hello Gasai- San"...

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