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Original: http://phantom-hotshot.deviantart.com/art/Wounded-386732885

Author : http://phantom-hotshot.deviantart.com

THUD! The ground shook enough for the Shaman to feel it under her feet.

Lexi whipped around, her eyes widening at seeing her Conjuror, Vesper, lying on the ground.

"Vesper??!!" She screamed, running to him, dropping her staff in the process. She ran to his right side and put a hand on him, shoving on him a couple times. She stared at his face. "V-Vesper?? What's wrong?!"

He was lying on his back, face angled toward the sky. His eyes were closed tight, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he grimaced.

He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. "Agh!" He groaned as he brought his hand to his left side.

Lexi was panicking on the inside. She jumped on top of him, stood on his torso and looked to his other side where his hand was placed. His thick, grey, athletic shirt had a deep, wet, red tinge to it. Between his cupped fingers seeped brighter red that could only be blood. Her heart dropped.

"Vesper, move your hand." She begged, looking to his face. It took a second, but the hand slowly and shakily moved away. She gasped.

"H-How bad. Is it?" He asked.

Lexi jumped off of him to his left and turned to stare at the tear in the fabric. "Vesper, take your shirt off."

That made his eyes open. "Wha-"

"The tear in your shirt... I don't think it's letting on to what that wound really looks like." She explained. "So take off your shirt." She finally peeled her eyes away from the wound to see that Vesper was staring at her from the corner of his eye. He looked scared and in pain, his entire body rigid from it. Her heart dropped again, realization of their current situation beginning to sink in. "C-Can you get up Vesper?" She asked. "Can you move?"

Now Lexi's heart was beginning to pick up it's pace. She was scared for him and, quite honestly, herself. They were out in the middle of nowhere [then again what wasn't "the middle of nowhere" anymore] and had just taken down a Possessed. That much noise and energy was sure to attract something that might be lurking in the area. She locked her eyes with Vesper again, mentally asking the same question she had before. Tears were trying to bite at the back of her eyes.

Without responding to her, Vesper's hands moved through the grass he was lying on, wiping away the blood on his left hand. When his arms were straight at his side, his fingers gripped the earth. The muscles in his arms flexed as he began to bring himself up, groaning all the while. When he got halfway up, the left side began to convulse. He could feel the damage. Vesper's left hand lost its grip and he began to fall back.

Lexi was on it, though. A strong and steady blast of air supported his left side, keeping him upright. She pushed herself harder and the stream of air pushed him up and to the right so Vesper could support himself.

As quickly as he could, Vesper took off the belts, the snaps and the armor and let them fall to the ground. When he began to lift his shirt a few small cries escaped his mouth at the sensation of the material moving over the wound. When he finally got it off, he fell back, catching himself with his elbows. He wouldn't allow himself to lie down for fear he wouldn't get up again. He heard Lexi gasp again.

Lexi dropped to her knees beside the gaping wound. She placed her hand on the skin near it. It was hot. Not a good sign. She frowned. "Why didn't you say anything?!" She cried.

"When did I. Have the chance, Lexi?!" He snapped back. "If I had, we might both be in the same situation and worse!" It hurt to yell at her.

"You KNOW we could have fallen back!" She wasn't going to let it go that easily, he knew better.

"We BEAT it didn't- AGH!" The pain was too much for him again.

"Vesper!" She looked at the wound again, spilling more blood as he moved. "Stop! Stop! Shhhh..." She tried to soothe him. She looked up to him again. "We've got to get you out of here, Vesper. And now."

He was silent for a moment, staring at the ground next to her. "C-Can you try to h-heal this?" He asked between breaths.

Lexi felt coldness through her body. She knew Vesper would never ask her that unless it was dire. Now she was really scared. "I could hurt you worse if I did that!"

"Lexi p-please just try..." He begged.

"Vesper, I haven't learned that ye-"

"Lexi PLEASE!"

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