Chapter 3

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"I was on the training grounds, working on a new sword technique. It was a hot day and I had been training for a while. So I decided to stop for the day and I went inside to cool off. I ended up meeting my mother in the hallway. I was excited to tell her about my new technique but something told me she wouldn't be interested."

"I asked her where I could find my father. He was in his study where my mother said he was. I was excited to show him so I asked him to spar with me. He agreed and we went back out to the training yard. We spared for a good hour till we were too hot and too tired to go on. So we went back inside for a drink made by Helga, our cook in the dinning hall."

"While we were talking and having a nice time, one of the guards came into the dining  hall, frantically talking about a seal of some sort being broken. My father looked worried and serious and he raced out with the guard. I wanted to help but I didn't know enough about what was going on."

"I headed to my room to relax. I was laying on my bed resting and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a pitch black room. I didn't know where I was or what was going on. I was so scared. I started running, trying to find a way out but there was only darkness."

"I stopped running, and then thought I could be dreaming. But that thought was thrown out the window for I heard a voice. It was chilling and just pure evil. It said 'I have taken your body. With you, I will get my revenge!' I was scared but also wondered what revenge this evil voice was talking about."

"I called out 'What are you going to do? Please let me go!' but there was no answer. I was still stuck in the darkness, scared and feeling trapped. I started to cry. I felt useless and like I would never get free but I suddenly heard my father's voice in the darkness. He was calling to me. 'Marked! I know you're in there! Please! You can fight it! You are strong so come on!' I was calmed by my fathers faith in me so I stood up and I kept running."

"I ran and ran and ran. I wasn't going to give up. As I kept running, something came through in the darkness. A light. I ran to it and once I got through it, I could see what was going on. My father was on the ground, before me, hurt and bleeding. I still didn't have control of my body and my arms were in the air, sword in hand, pointed at my father's chest. I tired to move but I couldn't. Whatever was controlling me still had control."

"'Father!' I called. I was able to speak. 'Marked! I knew you were in there.' he smiled at me. 'I know you can fight it. Come on! I believe in you!' but I couldn't. The thing controlling me was too strong. 'I can't.' I told him. I looked him in the eyes. In his eyes, I could see that he knew I couldn't. He was going to die and there was nothing I could do to stop it."

"I heard the evil voice again. 'How dose it feel King Jayner, to have your own daughter be the one to kill you?' I could feel the tears falling down my face. I couldn't believe this. But my father didn't answer the voice."

Marked's voice was shaking. Tears had fallen from her face and she was shaking where she stood in the alley way.

"The next thing I knew, my sword was thursted into my father's chest. I cried and screamed as I watched him fall to the ground. The voice just laughed. 'I will destroy this kingdom for what they did to me! Now the king is dead, I can get started.' And just like that, I felt control return to me. I ran to my father. I was grief stricken and crying as I took my father's bloodly hand in mine. 'Please don't go. This is all my fault! If I had been strong enough!' But all my father did was smile at me. He said 'None of this is your fault. You are strong and I will always watch over you. I believe in you, Marked. You can save out kingdom.I love you my daughter....' The next thing I knew, he was gone."

Marked was in tears. She couldn't stop herself from crying.

"I cried. I cried, sitting there holding my father's ever growing cold hand. I didn't want to leave him. It started raining, like the heavens were crying. I was so caught up in my grief I didn't hear my mother come up behind me. 'What have you done!?' She yelled. I turned to see her looking angry at me. It was a look I have never seen her make in my life. I was scared. 'I-I didn't mean to! I was being controlled!'I tried to say but she just yelled some more. 'You've killed the king! I'll have you hanged! Or better yet, I strip you of your title of princess and banish you! Go! Leave!' I was so shocked. I didn't know what was going on but I was too scared to fight so I ran, I ran away and abandoned my father and my brother like a coward."

"So,now you know the whole story." Marked said, her voice still shaking and sad. Tears fell from her eyes.

Lucifer had been slient this whole time. He had a look of shock on his face. "Oh my, Marked. I am so sorry."

Marked shook her head. "No. This is my burden to bare. I wasn't strong enough and it cost my father's life."

Lucifer moved closer to her. "Come. I'll take you to an inn. You need to rest." Marked sighed and nodded. She agreed to go with him.

Lucifer put her hood back up for her and lead her out of the alley way to a near by inn. He bought a room for Marked to let her rest.

"Thank you, Luci." She said with a sad smile.

"Luci? Man no one has called me that in years!"He said with a smile. "Rest well." He then left Marked to sleep.

Legends Of Morthderes: The story of MarkedWhere stories live. Discover now