- call two

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"Good morning." Jimin started, trying his best to sound cheery.

Taehyung yawned. "Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Okay I guess, just a bit of trouble... You?"

"Could've been better if I'm honest with you." Taehyung answered, letting out a sigh as he laid back and wrapped into his blankets, placing his phone on the pillow beside him.

"Oh sorry to hear that." Jimin murmured.


There was silence before Jimin started speaking again.

"Hey listen, I uh- well I was just wondering um, why did you break up with me?" He asked, playing with his fingers, a nervous habit.

Taehyung was really tired, so moving onto a topic so touchy this early in the morning triggered a headache almost immediately. It wasn't that he was annoyed, after all, he should've expected it.

Jimin was an early bird and liked to know the reason for any happenings. The question was bound to be asked, Jimin's curiosity mixed with his own vagueness on the break up.

"Oh that... I don't really know. I still love you it's just that- well- it seemed like the time to do so." Taehyung tried.


He knew it. He sat up and cleared his throat, shifting his sheets up. "I don't know Jimin it's just that, well we barely see each other anymore and I-"

"I can't do this long distance relationship. Got it." Jimin cut off.

Taehyung heard the anger in his voice. Worst though, past the sarcastic response, he could hear Jimin's hurt.


"'Not even distance can come between us...'" Jimin quoted.

Taehyung sighed. "Jimin, please don't do this."

"'I'll love you no matter what happens...'" the older continued.


"'Nothing will ever seperate u-'"

"Jimin stop!" Taehyung begged.

"No Taehyung! I won't stop! You don't know how fucking hard it is to listen to this! 'It just felt like the time to do so.' What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Jimin snapped.


A short breath was let out from the older. "I could've stayed you know." He said, much calmer.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"I could've stayed in Daegu, gone to the same college as you, graduated together." Jimin explained.

Taehyung ran his hand frustratingly through his hair. "Would you have been happy though?"


"See? That's why-"

"Yes." The older answered, no hesitance heard. On the contrary, his response was flat and firm meaning he was sure of it.


"I would've been happy."

"That was your dream school though. Jimin, I thoug-"

"I told you from the start of our relationship that I wanted to be by your side forever, that no matter what happened, as long as I had you, I was happy. That not even distance could separate us."

"But unlike you,"

"I actually meant it."



Call ended.

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