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A/N: I just picked a random baby's pic.Just think of the baby as Jimin and Suji's baby .

"Why didn't you tell me !!??"

"I can finish it !! Don't worry...."

"Seriously!!!! No.You can't. Tomorrow  is your deadline. How can you finish it today !!!"

Aish!! How did he know about the deadline . Now what am I going to tell him.

"I have the whole night .I can finish the book in night." I told him so that he understands. But I know nothing's going to stop him .

"Are you kidding me !!?? You are going to stay up all night .And then you will go to your office in the early morning without getting my sleep." He shouted in the phone.

"Just calm down .Okay?? "  then it become dead silent in the phone.He most probably trying to calm himself.

"Yoongi ? Are you there ?"

"Aria .Why don't you understand me?I am worried for you. I don't like to see you work so hard. You need rest too."
He calmly said with so much love in his voice.

"I love you. You know that right ?" He said so sincerely .

"Yeah .Obviously I know that .I love you too after all." I said smiling shyly .He sometimes becomes so cheesy that I can't help but blush !!!

"So that means I am coming home and take Minsan with me and you are going to finish your work . Okay ??" He said all of a sudden.  What's that coming from now.

"Yeah . I mean my practice already finished. So I am taking him outside . He will like - Yoongi hyung !!! Where were you ?!? - Shut up !! Can't you see I am talking with someone!!??." Most probably Hoseok , Yoongi's friend who is also in Yoongi's team. I chuckled hearing him.

"Sorry . That was that crazy Hoseok. Now what I was saying .Yeah. I am coming in half an hour.Just wait . Okay ? "

"Hmmm.As you wish My Prince. As if I can so NO to you !! " I said smiling .

"Yeah that's right . You should always obey me . I am your husband after all that you love so much ." He said teasing me ."Okay bye then.Hoseok said he has something to say .He is too irritating .I have to go.I am hanging up then."

"Yeah.I am waiting.Bye"

After  half an hour later he came back home .

"You are late " I said playfully  standing in front of the door.

"Aye... sorry MOM." He said sarcastically.  He pushed my forehead with one finger and enterd the house .

"Yah !! I am you wife . " Yoongi went near Minsan . And as usual the moment he saw Yoongi , Minsan started to laugh and jump happily .

"Ongi!! Home !!! Yeahhhh" Minsan shouted .

"Yeah. And I am going again now but this time with you . Come here. " he took him in his arm.

"Don't stress too much .Okay? I am going . Bye" he said pecking my lips.

"But you are tired . Are you sure you can play with him in the park. You know Minsan is a really energetic boy unlike you and your sister" I said laughing and teasing him more.

But he is too tired to get teased by that. "He is a little baby.Its no big deal."He just simply said. I just laughed at his boring face .

I closed the door after the are gone and started to think how much lucky I am to get a husband like him. But I should stop thinking about him now or Yoongi's going to say 'I told you not to waste your time thinking about me always!! You need rest !!'

But who's going to tell him that I don't get tired of thinking about him always.

Like that I finished my writing .And called them to come back . But I really want to know what were they doing outside . Yoongi is so tired already after practises. So he can't go around everywhere  right . I chuckled at this thought. 

Minsan must be whining to him for playing with him . I should make a good dinner for them .

Hmm.Lets do it Aria!! Fighting !!

Lets do it Aria!! Fighting !!

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I am sorry.I was busy. So I couldn't update for a long time. Plz forgive me after reading this chapter.
And plz VOTE!!!! and COMMENT!!! If you like it obviously. Thank you my readers !!!😘😘😘I love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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