Ranch Hand

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Monday morning comes too early when a body doesn’t get enough sleep. Mom had eggs and biscuits with gravy ready for breakfast. Normally, that’s too much breakfast for me, but I am not one to turn away Mom’s cooking, and I knew I would have a long day. The first day is always the most demanding, and I knew this day would be no exception.

At seven o’clock on the dot, on my horse, I arrived at ranch road. This land is sprawling. I think it goes on for miles. The fences are made of first class timber, and are well built. The cabin in the front is the guesthouse, Mike informed me yesterday. I guess some folks upon entering the property mistook this for the main house. He said not to stop here, because, unless they were hosting guests, no one was there to answer.

With the dawn’s light, I can see my way to the main house and the horse barn. My goodness! I did not know the expanse of this farm until now. I am sure there is more that I will not find for a very long time.

“Good morning, Mr. Marshall! I’m glad you’ve come! You can water your horse at the trough by the west side of the horse barn,” was the greeting from Mr. McBride. Expressing my gratitude, I brushed him down very quickly, and then inquired as to where he should stay while I was at the ranch. “You can use the last stall on the left.” After I put the horse away, Mike the Boss showed me where I’d be working for the next few weeks. Harvest is usually in late October and lasts into early November, depending on the year. I would be mucking the barn first, and then feeding the sows. Not two of my favorite chores, but it’s the first day. You don’t get to start at the top unless you’re digging. Afterwards, I have to go help mow some taller grass, and lastly roll it into bales for hay. Later Mike was going to show me around the place, so I could have a good working knowledge of where different buildings were and such like.

By the time I had finished the chores, noon had come and gone. I took a short break to eat the lunch Mom packed for me. As trying and demanding as she could be, she was still a great mother.

Helena appeared, like a vision, and asked if I would mind if she took me around the ranch. Mike had to take care of an injured animal and was not able to do so just now. The only way I could be bothered by her company would be if she looked like Methuselah’s mother. She was wearing pants. A woman on a working ranch wearing pants wasn’t unusual really. A ten-gallon hat sat on her head. No wonder she was so fair; she was keeping the sun away from her face. Smart woman! She rode astride; another oddity, but, when a person is raised on farming, a person tends to act like a farmer. I guess the same is true for a son or a daughter. We galloped the horses a good ways, toward the back of the land. Meanwhile, she tells me of growing up here, and of different ranch secrets, like where to go for the best sunrises and sunsets, and the best field for catching fireflies. I don’t think this is what Boss had in mind when he was going to show me around. I like Helena’s tour better.

I can’t help it. I have to ask her to go walking with me or, or, something.

I finally gathered the courage to ask her. It only took twenty minutes to come up with a reasonable idea. “Helena? Would you want to get some ice cream after church on Sunday? I hear there is a new flavor... strawberry... and it has real strawberries in it.”  

“No, Mr. Marshall, I would not!” She replied, though not in a mean way. Then she explained her answer. “I do not court, or even go on outings with a man until he has asked my Paw’s permission. He will have final say.”

I guess that is an understandable position. I made a mental note to talk to Mike. That may take more courage yet. “Well, I understand, ma’am. I believe I would enforce those particular guidelines if I were in his position.” By this time we were back at the horse barn, watering and brushing down the horses. “Have a great afternoon, Miss Helena McBride. I will see you soon.” I’m sure I smell exactly like a cow right this minute, but kissing her hand is much more important.  In dress or in pants, she is still a very beautiful lady.

“Likewise, Mr. Marshall.” And she was gone again.

A Love That Time Cannot Erase (#2 -  Eternal Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now