A Slave For Matt Walst

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"Bye, guys!" I yell out to my friends as I hop onto my bus. This was the last day of school before spring break! My parents are planning on taking us to Disney and Universal!

When I get home, I chuck my backpack across the living room and dash to the cupboard. PopTarts.

After devouring two packages, I sit on the couch and wait for the rest of my family to come home. My dog, Mac, jumps on my lap.

"You're way too heavy to so on my lap, you fatass." I mutter. He stays on like the fat lug he was.

After about ten more minutes of not being able to breathe, my younger sister comes in.

"Hi!" She says cheerfully to me.

"What's with you?" I ask.

"Guess who's secretly following us on our trip?" She giggles a little.

I sigh. "Who?" I ask, thinking I know who it is. Erin.

"Tony!!!!!" She bursts out. My mouth gapes open.

"How are you still dating?!?!" I ask. "He's five years older than you and he's a fucking vampire!"

She grins and giggles a little. "We love each other." She states simply.

They've been dating even before vampires took over.... Since she was only 11. She's 15 now, and they're still together.

My boyfriend isn't even really my boyfriend anymore.... He's always away.

Soon, my little brother enters.

"Hiii!" He says, immediately flipping open his Nintendo D.S. and going straight to Pokémon. He goes into his room.

Not much later, my parents come in.

"Hey, guys!" My aunt (mom) says. "Let's get going!"

It takes us two days to get to Florida but its so worth it.

When we arrive, vampires check us to make sure we don't have anything offensive or dangerous. We didn't.

We get to our room.

"I'm gonna go check the place out!" My sister yells, running out the door.

"Me too!" I yell, following her. I know she's going to see Tony.

When I find her, she's in a complete sloth-wrap around her boyfriend.

"Well, hi, lovebirds." I say. They jump a little.

"Hi, Alex" Says Tony. "Go away now. We're busy."

"Ronnie, Tony." I say. "Don't go too far."

I walk up onto the roof of the building. It's beautiful. I gape at the magnificent scenery.

After we have fun, we go to bed. I can't seem to sleep, though. I get bored, and sneak back onto the roof. I get a bit drowsy up there.. And I fall asleep.

I wake up in a cage.

"Uh... Wha..." I mutter. I look around me. A bunch of beautiful girls in the same cage as me. My self esteem goes down to about negative fifty-two.

Within the next hour, guys come in (all vampires) and buy the girls in the cage with me....

Oh, God....

I'm being sold into slavery.

I'm just about to doze off when a blonde guy with black streaks in his hair come in. He inspects everyone in the cages.

Then he looks at me.

Icy blue eyes, perfectly ridged nose, amazing smile lines.

He was gorgeous.

He's not an ordinary vampire.

His eyes rest on me for a moment, then he points to me.

"That's the one." He says, in a voice like silk. The vampire guards pull me out of the cage and hand me to him. I struggle.

"Fuck off!!!!!" I scream.

"Nice to meet you, too." The blonde vampire says. "I'm Matt."

"I don't fucking care!" I yell.

He throws me over his shoulder. The guard puts a syringe into me and shoots purple liquid into my veins.

"That'll be 12,000." Says the guard.

"Wow, she's expensive." Matt says.

I get dizzy.

"Of course she is, she's...."

I black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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