chapter one // lucky charms and job hunting

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I opened my eyes and rolled onto my side, reaching out to grab my phone. I softly pressed the home button and the screen illuminated, showing the time, 11:30 am. I placed my phone back onto my bedside cabinet and rolled onto my back, looking up at the ceiling.

After laying there for another half an hour, my stomach started to emit dying whale sounds, indicating I needed to eat something, and soon. I threw my duvet to the side and sat up, running my hands through my purple and black hair, before climbing out of the double bed, and crossing the carpeted floor to my dresser where I pulled out a random band shirt and pulled it over my head.

I walked out of my room, and across the living area, to the kitchen. I flipped the switch on the kettle, so it'd heat the little amount of water it had, so I could have a coffee to wake me up. As the kettle boiled, I poured myself a bowl of lucky charms and sat on top of the kitchen counter.

At around 2, I got dressed, and left my apartment, in search for a half decent job. I'd recently quit working at the nearest supermarket because the manager was a complete dick, and the pay was barely enough to buy a weeks worth of food. As I walked further into the little town, I noticed the record shop and library we're hiring, so I quickly rushed in.

The record shop library was my favourite place to waste time, as it was hidden, it wasn't a very popular place, so I'd choose a record and a book and sit for hours on end until Ashton threw me out. Ashton was the son of the man who owned the establishment, and we were pretty much friends, neither of us would talk much, but we'd exchange a few words about a book, or record here or there.

"Hey Michael," Ashton greeted, before taking a drink of tea.

"Long time no see, where you been?' he asked, placing his mug down.

"Went to stay with some friends for a bit," I smiled slightly, as he nodded.

"Ah I see," he chuckled. "Is there anything I can help with or are you just here to 'waste time'?" he smirked.

"I noticed you were hiring, and I need a job," I said pointing to the sign in the window.

"Ah yes," he smiled.

"I just need to ask you a few questions," Eric, Ashton's dad, the owner of the store stated. I nodded, and he continued.

"Do you know how to use a cash till?" he asked, and I nodded yes.

After a while of mostly pointless, but interesting questions, Eric sent me back to the front of the store, where Ashton was placing books back onto shelves while listening to blink 182.

"How'd it go, mate?" he called over to me as I leave up against a post.

"Good, I think," I laughed slightly. "You know he loves ya Mike, don't sweat it!"

I laughed and walked over to where he was placing books onto various shelves.

I pulled out a random book, and we stayed silent apart from the occasional humming coming from Ashton.

"Michael?" Eric called out all of a sudden, making me and Ash jump slightly.

"Yes sir, uh Eric, Mr Irwin," I stuttered.

"You got the job, be here tomorrow morning, 7am on the dot," he stated before disappearing back into his office.


sorry it's so short, I didn't want to rush into much c:

I hope you guys like it uh yeah

next update tomorrow :-)

- mollie

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