Order of Affection

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THE dashing ray of sun passed through the clerestory windows, refracting into various shades of pigments...

I woke up with the same questions that I usually ask myself unconsciously;

What is love? I just can't understand their perspective about the said topic.

When will I encounter such a thing? Every now and then, I grow tired of waiting.

Where is the right place to seek for it? I don't even have a slightest clue.

Who is that being in the first place? Don't even know if he will ever come.

How will I know if I am already inlove? I can't even imagine myself being lovey-dovey to anyone.

And last but not the least, why do I even need it? I can live on my own, can't I?

"Earth to Seraphina! Hello? Do you mind helping me with my make up?" said the girl with perfectly angled jaw, deep set of emerald green specked eyes that twinkles literally everytime she looks at you. A tall and slender 23 years old Filipina-German named, Angelique Castañez. But why is she important? Because she is none other than my best friend slash sister, or atleast, that is how I see her.

And as you can see, she is your typical glam-ish persona. A little bratty at times albeit, a loyal comrade, well at most. She can be your modern princess if I may add. You can even imagine her as a heroine of a heart-warming story.

But in contrast, I am an ordinary character. A supporting actress with second-rate roles. It is not surprising for I am not as an eye-catcher as Angelique. My built is as common as a rock. Short in height, paper white skin and did I ever mention my monolid extra normal dark brown eyes? Come on, no one will stop and look straight into my poop-tinted marbles and say, 'Oh my Goodness, what a magnificent color you have!'. Bitch, please! No sugar-coating allowed in here.

"On second thought, don't mind me and try putting some on your face instead." Angelique then turned to her vanity to check her own you know? Beauty. Note the sarcasm, people! Welp, good for her.

I almost rolled my eyeballs out of my lids with that idea of hers. Makeup? On my face? That won't even look decent.

"Oh, really? Me? With those products? Yeah, right." I turned to the whole body mirror and cursed myself to death because of the quick glimpse of looking pretty. "That won't do anything. And when i say anything, I mean it."

"Oh, please! You are nearing the age of 30 and yet you refuse to use even a small amount of color on your face. You always tend to look horrible despite being good-looking. What is wrong with you, Sera?" she hissed as if ready to strangle me towards my very own coffin. Or maybe, I'm just being over reacting.

"Angel, would you look at my face intently? I'm clearly ugly for crying out loud! That even with make up, I'll scare kids on the way to my job," I dramatically explained carefully without batting my eyes.

"Then I'll beg you for the same thing. Look at the mirror and point at something horrendous. Hey, you need to gain confidence, you know? You are not even close to being ugly." I sighed at her words.

"Alright." I pointed at my face then, "This. This is the horrendous part of my entity. My whole face, or might as well say that I am horrific myself. Happy now?" I grabbed my working uniform, a brown blouse and skirt with red and yellow patches. I've worn my black stockings and pointed-heel sandals.

She dropped the conversation for she realized that it was going nowhere.

I walk pass by a lot of people daily and yet no one has ever caught my attention so far. No creepy butterflies, no racing horses, and precisely no trip to cloud 9.

They say that love takes time but time is ticking fast, my age won't go down in number, my hair will probably turn white as days go. But love? It is not in my current dictionary. I have read a massive number of romantic novels that did not work to widen my knowledge.

"Good day, Ma'am, Sir. Welcome to Mc Jonald's, wherein customers are always right and respected. How are you feeling today?" I asked for their orders.

"I feel 'Nervous', how about you, Cassiel?" The lass bid her order to be a barely sweetened black coffee and then the lad also went on.

"Why don't you pair your drink with 'It's going to be alright', Larissa?" the boy suggested a complementary meal of soft pancakes which the girl agreed with. "I get myself an order of 'Really, deeply, madly inlove'." It started to be awkward for me to punch the freaking spaghetti meal. I suddenly questioned why the fuck I worked at this cringe fast food.

"What about, 'Let's take it slow'?" Hello? This is a fast food and not a complete the sentence test. I tried hard not to roll my eyes and just smiled from ear to ear.

"Is that all, Ma'am, Sir?" Which they both answered with a yes. I pulled out the receipt and handed it out to the guy. "Here's your number, Ma'am, Sir."

Will the next one be another cringe-worthy customer? "Good day, Sir. Welcome to Mc Jonald's, wherein customers are always right and respected. How are you feeling today?" I asked with a smile on plastered on my face, still checking the last customer's order if something went wrong and fortunately there isn't.

"One order of 'Are you single?', please." Is he hitting on me? I looked at his face to pay my respect but to my suprise, my heart raced like Lightning Mc Queen, full speed. As my eyes reached his stunning eyes, thumping and panting my chest raised. His cherry red lips looked overwhelming. Broad shoulders welcomed my sight.

Is this what it feels like? Is it going too fast? 'No, I'm already old.' I thought.

I realized what love was at that very moment.

It really was true that love will come unexpectedly, not within an alotted schedule.

There is no such thing as special places, it can be a common space, say... a fast food chain or even a comfort room for Pete's sake.

And you can fall for anyone. Literally, anyone. Just like this guy over here, a random customer at a fast food chain that I work at. It might even be your neighbour for who knows who.

How did I know? I just knew, I guess? No questions asked. I felt it.

And at last, the last one. 'Why do I need love?'. That is actually a question that remained in my head. Welp, I'm still on my carpet ride that is yet to have my own journey through the depths of that thing called, love.

"Hey, Miss?" I was sent aback when I heard a firm cough from the man. "My order, please."

Order of Affection(One-shot Story)Where stories live. Discover now