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The sun shone through the thin curtains that framed the tiny window and awoke to feet in the face "oi Jackie keep your feet to yourself,i don't know how many times I must tell you I would rather not wake to red and black fluffy socks in my face"

A mess of red and black hair brought it's head down to mine"I can't help that these beds are tiny plus bunk beds in a university,what are we,kids"he said with not much enthusiasm in his voice

"Your small enough to be a child"I replied with a smirk written on my face,oh how I loved teasing lil jackie.

He replied with the usual"I'm not small"or "your just too tall"and then would pout for about a minute before climbing down  the bed

Thinking on that topic I better start getting ready for class myself,so I pounced out of bed and stared in the mirror and was about to brush my hair,when I found long black hairs in my brand new brush,again he had been stealing my stuff but as usual would claim that raccoons did it or some other random nonsensical excuse,so I pulled out the hair and got to brushing my own ginger hair and putting on my green eyeliner,soon what stared back at me was a ginger haired god

"What classes have you got today lass"the black haired mess said with a tooth brush which I might add was familiar stuck in his gob making his words hardly audio able.so firstly I replied with "don't call me lass,as I prefer you call me by my name,secondly isn't that my toothbrush"

The mess just shrugged and walked off to his little corner den he made.

After an hour of choosing clothes and finding what flavour noodles in the shared kitchen I was to make,i poured the water in and brought them into my room and then I decided to check my cabinet to find my textbooks for my English literature class I had in half an hour,then I turned around,the window was open and clothes from my drawers were on the floor*which I put a lock on to stop thieving lil pervy demons*

Also my beloved noodles were gone and so were some clothes...."slurp"I knew who the culprit was so I went to confront lil jackie...

"So where have my noodles gone"I demanded with determination 

"I don't know maybe a racoon took them"he said while clearly eating them in the otherside of his makeshift door on his handmade den

"Okay so did a raccoon get up a five story building to grab a bowl of noodles"..."they are ninja raccoons"he replied with excitement in his voice

"Fine....can you at least take my underwear off of your head and hand them back,cause I know you have them,

A hand reached out of the door holding a pair of my silky underwear,in which I snatched away

Right I have class in 20 minutes so I must be off,so I will deal with you later"I said while walking over to my deck and packing my bag with my textbooks and green fluffy pencil case and my skull pen which a special person gave me ,and I headed out of the door and off to class 

(I might want to note me and jackie and a bunch of us are a type of demon called a mephstofa dragon,we can take any form we want but since we are demons who possessed candy,we have our own sweet candy scents...maybe that's why blackjack or jackie as I call him steals my underwear or either he is just a perv)

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