The Mature Readers Book Club

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Hello Everyone!

Thank you for coming to check out this new book club for mature readers. When I say mature, I mean content wise. This book club is for vulgar language and sex scenes within your story.

We are a book club designed for those who read, but most importantly, write mature content in their stories. This book club is for PG-13 and R-Rated readers and writers. If you have a story under one of those ratings, come join!

**If you are not okay with reading R-Rated stories, let me know so I will not pair you with one. And yes, there are still some people who are not.

What we do:
In this book club, we look for new and undiscovered authors who want to gain more readers. We are a supportive community who will read and give honest feedback to whomever's story we read. Honesty will help us improve our stories in the future.

If someone leaves a comment on your story, reply back showing your gratitude, even if you are not too fond of it. Having a bad attitude will not be tolerated.

Each week you will be paired with another user and will read your partner's book. If there is an odd number of applicants, I will be the odd number's partner.

You will leave a detailed comment on at least 3 chapters of your partner for that week's book. They can be any chapter. If your partner for that week does not have three chapters yet, comment on what they do have.

In these comments, tell your partner what you liked about their story and what they can do to improve the next chapter. No one sentence comments will be acceptable. If your partner for that week fails to do so, private message me at the end of the week. Do not put it in the message box for all to see.

When you and your partner are both done giving each other at least 3 detailed comments, comment in the message box for that week.

The discussions in the club will be open. If you see a comment you like already on your partner's book, do not be afraid to add to that. You will still need to have the other 3 required comments for the book as well.

We accept any genre stories, as well as boyxboy and girlxgirl. If that is a problem for you, please do not join. We do not discriminate in those areas.

How to join:

First, follow me on my profile page @iRunOnDunkin. I often PM members and it is easier to find them under followers than scrolling through comments.

Next, add "The Mature Readers Book Club" to your library.

Doing these two things will make you stay alerted with updates each week.

Thirdly, fill out this form in the message box below. Make sure to leave spaces so I can read your application clearly. Do not send me your application in a private message. YOUR STORY MUST BE IN ENGLISH. There needs to be a common language that everyone shares.


Age (optional):

Story Title (only one):




Link to Story:

Are you okay with reading R-Rated stories?:

When you have posted this message, check the next week's update for your pairing.

This first club discussion will start the week of Monday, February 24, 2014 and end the following Monday, March 3, 2014.

If you have any questions or concerns, private message me your question and I will answer it. You can also ask one of your fellow book club members.

With all that being said, are you interested in joining The Mature Readers Book Club? :D

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