Short Story 3

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That is Aladin from the Magi anime series

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That is Aladin from the Magi anime series.
Orphaned... maybe

Dad, don't!!! How could you. Mother, wake up. You gotta wake up. Come on.”
I stared at the blood pooling around her head. I knew she wasn't going to wake up. There was so much blood... so much. Tears were falling down my face. He killed her. My own father killed my mother, his wife. The one he promised that he would protect for eternity. And guess what he does next. He kills himself, well to hell with him.... I'm orphaned... I'm alone. Oh my God.

I jerked up so hard I hit my head on the top bed. I sleep on a bunk bed in an orphanage. I'm starting to regret choosing the bottom bunk. Today's the anniversary of my parents' death. I've been remembering the past. Hi, I'm Wren. I'm 17. I was 5 when it happened.

My birthday is today, also. It's on April 15. The same day they died. Happy birthday to me.

“Oh, glad your awake, Wren. Hurry up and come downstairs. We've got cake!”
That was Mrs. Georgia. She like the head honcho of this place. She's really nice. Not at all like what you hear about in movies and books.

I hurried up and got dressed. Despite my past, I love cake. I went downstairs and there was pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausages, and red velvet cake. I did the only thing that could be done at that moment. I got a lot of everything and said thank you of course. Everyone else was already eating.

There are 15 other kids in here.
Evelyn, age 10
Riley 6
Tina 8
Isaac 12
Perry 14
Avril 16
Sierra 5
Danny 7
Layla and Mona 9 years old, they are twins.
Moe 11
Jayden 13
Dane 15
Genie 3
Haven 5
I won't go onto their past. Its not my story to tell.

We finished eating and my present was to go to wherever I want to go the whole day, all by myself. I decided I would explore the city. By the way, I live in California. I am African. I learned to fight cause I thought it was awesome. That was just a fun fact.

I went to the beach. I had my bathing suit and money for food. I was ready. I was riding my skateboard there when this guy came out of nowhere and I literally ran into him.
I fell backwards and he fell right on top of me. He caught himself in a push up position before he could land on me. I don't know how long we were like that. I got lost in his eyes. They were grey, like a storm was going on in them.

I finally opened my mouth. “ can get off me now.”
“Oh crap, I'm sorry.” He got up and was ranting about how sorry he was. I found it cute.
“It's ok and I was the one who ran into you anyways. Sorry about that.”

When I looked up, he was staring at me. He finally said something that caught me by surprise.
“Ive been looking for you.”

He grabbed my hand and skateboard and started pulling me away. I started to panic.
“Calm down, I'm only taking you somewhere quiet so I can explain to you why I've been looking for you.” That calmed me down a little, although I was still on edge.

We found an alley. He took me in there and started to explain.
“My name is Knight, Asher Knight.”(sorry to interrupt but that was a total James Bond moment) “I'be been looking for you because I was sent by your mother to find you when you turned 18. Since today's your birthday your now 18. Your mother has a sister who is evil. She has a power that can control the minds of men. When your mother found out about her sister's evil plan, by the way her names Grievel, she told me to find you. That was the night she died. Your father was being controlled by Grievel which is why he killed your mother. I am a werewolf. The alpha of the Blue Midnight pack. Grievel's power doesn't work on mated werewolves and alphas. And you are my mate.”

I stared at him. My mouth probably touching the floor. I finally said,
“Prove it.”
He went all the way to the corner of the alley. He took of his clothes and let me just say his body was...never mind. I averted my eyes. If I could blush, I would've. He started to change. His wolf was so majestic and beautiful. He wasn't lying.

He changed back and put his clothes back on and came to stand in front of me. He was almost a foot taller.
“I believe you. I have a mate. Oh my God, I have a mate.”
He smiled and said,
“You also have the power to control all four elements, my Princess. Why do you think Grievel wanted you and your family dead. Your the only one strong enough to defeat her. As of right now, your life has changed.”

I was about to cry, scream and laugh all at once. He pulled me into his arms and comforted me. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He looked into mine and then at my lips
He kissed me. My first kiss and it was amazing.

I had to do one on werewolves for my friend lizzyross15. She's obsessed with werewolve stories.

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