Chapter 19

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Nyssa's pov

"Does he know?" Calum and Luke demand at the exact same time, pointing to each other. I lazily look up from my phone and nod. Ashton had put me on bed rest after my ribs cracked earlier. I managed to convince him that they weren't broken, just slightly fractured and that they'd be alright with a little rest.

"You told him too?" Calum questions, sounding slightly hurt that I let someone else in on the secret.

"No. I screwed up, and he found out. Well, sort of. I kind of accidentally ran back here in my Viper costume. He saw me and wouldn't shut up. So I pulled my mask off to shock him into silence. It worked," I add, sitting up. My chest feels completely better now. I just have to act like I am in pain around Michael and Ashton.

"Wait. How did he find out?" Luke inquires, pointing at Calum.

"He was arguing with me, trying to get under my skin, and I just wanted to prove him wrong so I blabbed. You know, now that I think about it, I'm amazed at how I manged to keep my identity between me, Lucy, Oliver, Aiden, and two other people for the past seven years. I have a really big mouth and low tolerance for people." The boys give me a look, but don't say anything.

"How did your fight earlier go?" Calum asks, changing the subject as he sits down on the edge of my bed, the little crinkles by his eyes taking shape as he frowns.

I snort and turn my phone off, tossing it to the side, "I broke my stupid ribs. How do you think it went?"

"But you still saved all of those kids and their parents. There was a replay on earlier, and you were amazing. Seriously. You were clearly injured but were more focused on protecting that little boy," Luke reminds me, giving me an encouraging smile. I don't return it.

"It's my job. I didn't sign up for it but it's my job. And I don't know how I can do that if I'm stuck on tour with you four," I pout, flopping backwards. I am probably being a little dramatic but that's just part of my personality. Besides, I'm a superhero. I can be as dramatic as I want.

"We'll talk to Mark some more. But can't you just run back and forth between here and wherever we are that day?" Calum questions, confused.

"Of course she can't, Calum. Don't be ridiculous," Luke scolds, pretending to know more than he does. He turns to face me, his voice lowered, "Wait. Can you?"

"Yeah. But do you think I want to? Do you realize how much I hate exercise? That's so much running and bleh," I cut myself off with a loud groan. The boys roll their eyes at my complaints.

Ashton's pov

"Come on Michael, let's go check on Nyssa," I urge, standing in front of the television.

"But I don't want to, Ash," Michael whines, trying to see around me.

"Come on, Michael. We are the ones who fractured her ribs. We should go make sure she's okay," I say, grabbing his arm. Michael gives in and lets me drag him off of the couch. He follows me upstairs and to Nyssa's room. We freeze outside of her door as we hear her talking to Luke and Calum.

"- told him too?" Calum questions. He sounds upset.

"No. I screwed up and he found out. Well, sort of. I kind of accidentally ran back here in my Viper costume. He saw me and wouldn't shut up. So I pulled my mask off to shock him into silence. It worked," Nyssa replies. Michael and I freeze and look at each other. What on earth are they talking about?

"How did you fight earlier go?" Calum asks, changing the subject.

"I broke my stupid ribs. How do you think it went?" Nyssa is talking again.

"I thought we fractured her ribs?" Michael asks. I hush him.

"But you still saved all of those kids and their parents. There was a replay on earlier and you were amazing. Seriously. You were clearly injured but were more focused on protecting that little boy," Luke speaks up.

"This sounds like Nyssa is Viper," Michael whispers, his eyes bright.

"It would make sense," I whisper back, just as excited.

"Let's go ask," he urges, trying to step forward. I stop him, shaking my head no. Michael pouts, unhappy that I stopped him.

"She obviously doesn't want us to know. Let's respect her decision. As best as we can anyways," I advise. Michael throws his head back in annoyance, but listens to me. Together, the two of us walk back down the hall and downstairs.

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