Chapter 3: That night

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"Burnie!" Mom called out from downstairs

"Yes mom!" I replied

By the way Burnie is what my mom calls me. Yes its my nickname, it was cute when I was little but now its embarassing. I mean why can't she call me Auburn not Burnie. But hey she has been calling me Burnie since I was born. I don't expect her to stop calling me by my nickname at this point in our lives.

"Dinners ready sweetheart!" Mom called out again

"Coming mom. " I hollered back

"K. Please dont be long, I don't want your food getting cold now you hear now." Mom responded

"Yes mom, I'll be down in a second. " I responded

I closed all of the tabs I had open on my laptop. I was supposevly doin homework but I was to busy checking my facebook. You know nothing new, just me being a proffesional slacker. I turned the laptop off, I pushed it aside. As I stood up from my bed my iphone went off. I plunged back onto my bed, I reached for my phone that was lying on my nighstand. I grabbed it and layed on my bed. I check for any text messeges and of course I had three from Andrea and I had one from an unknown number. I was a little hesistant in whether or not to respond to this unknown number. The text read:

" Hi..."

At that moment I decided to answer the text. My text read:


It was a little ackward but I still responded. I scooted to the edge of the bed to get my slippers on. I left my phone layin on the bed. I stood up and left my room. I went downstairs to join mom and my the little ones for dinner. I noticed that James wasn't at the dinner table. He wasnt upstaira for sure.

"What took you so long. " Mom asked me

" Im sorry mom I got cought up in my homework that's all." I respond

"Yeahh right! More like facebook you say!" Kevin added

"Shut it twerp!" I responded

" Cut it out you too! What ever it was that you was doing isn't as important as having a family dinner. Is it?" Mom added angrily

"You call this family dinner! This family isnt damn close to being a family. " James added as he slammed the back door and stormed upstairs

"NOW EXCUSE ME! I wont have this kind of behavior in my house! I have a little more respect for siblings now will ya!" Mom said furious as she went after James who was going up the stairs.

"Please your the last damn person who can demand fucking respect." James said disrespectfully

"JAMES! How dare you speak to your mother that way! Mom said in disbelief

James didnt answer mom all I heard was a loud slam of a door. I heard mom bang on James door screaming at him to open the door. There wasnt a day where there could be peace at my house. Kevin, Devin, and I sat at our dinner table in silence. I could hear James and Mom screaming and bickering at each other. The only thing I heard that blew me off my seat was

"Your just a bitch who ruined our damn family! Dad could have been here but you fucked shit up!" James screamed at mom

"JAMES!!!!" Mom pleaded

"What you don't want them to hear the truth!" James sobbed

"JAMES!!!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" Mom said in between breaths

"Fuck you too mom!" James yelled back at mom

I have never seen or heard James act like this. And I never thought possible that mom could slap someone so hard in my life till now. I heard a slap, a hard slap in the face. Everyone and everything got quiet. I heard footstep coming down the stairs. It was James, he stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him so hard. Mom followed behind him but she was to late. She stood infront of the door in complete disbelief. She looked towards the dining room that overlooked the kitchen. She walked into the dining room and sat at her place. Kevin looked scared so I told him to go upstairs to his room.

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