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"I'm not afraid of you" she hissed, pulling at the ropes that had been wound tightly around her delicate wrists

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"I'm not afraid of you" she hissed, pulling at the ropes that had been wound tightly around her delicate wrists. The man crossed behind her and ran his dirty fingers through her long chestnut hair, whispering something in her ear. As he backed away it looked like he was almost floating, his cloak covering almost every inch of his thin figure.

"I've missed you" the man muttered just as a grotesque smile formed on his sunken face. The young woman snickered, sending him a bone chilling stare.

"You haven't missed us since you fled to him, like a quivering pup" she scoffed, shifting uncomfortably in the harshly twisted ropes that were constricting her breathing. The smile had fallen from his now irritated face.

"SILENCE." His hand was now gripping the wand that had been tucked beneath his dark cloak. He raised it, his lips quivering as he tried to mutter the spell. The killing curse was what he had planned for her, he just needed to say the words and he would be free of his demons. "Avada-."

"Is she even alive?" mumbled a soft voice.

"Of course she is you bloody idiot" chimed in another, shaking Amelia awake from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open to see three young teenagers, each curiously examining her face.

"You alright? Seemed to be quite the nightmare" added a tall girl dressed in red and gold before sitting into a seat. Amelia looked around the compartment to each of her friends, how long had she been asleep? The Gryffindor girl had kicked her feet onto the lap of a blonde Hufflepuff boy sitting beside her. "We're almost there Scamander, better get your robes on" she shouted with a smile spread across her honey skinned face. Amelia nodded and sat up, stretching her arms behind her as she peered out the large window to gaze at the beautiful scenery. She left the rowdy compartment filled with the excited fifth years and began to walk down the narrow corridor, passing a tall boy holding a toad carefully in his hands.

"This is the last time Trevor" he mumbled, thinking only he could hear. As the Hufflepuff girl carried on she passed a compartment seating the boy who lived. Grinning, she slid open the door and popped her head in.

"Hello Ron, hello Harry, where's Hermione?" The two boys smiled back in response to her greeting, about to speak, Harry was cut off by a curly haired girl standing just behind Amelia.

"Hello Amelia, how are you?" called the voice, startling the small Hufflepuff.
Hermione was the brightest witch in their year, it surprised Amelia that she had not been moved up a year due to her academic abilities.

"Oh, hello Hermione!" she replied with a bright smile before slipping off to the side. "I really must change into my robes, it was nice seeing you again," and with that Amelia was gone.

The moon was bright in the clear night sky. Almost all the carriages had proceeded to the castle, leaving just one. It held only one person who was sitting alone, awaiting departure.

"Have Beck and Babs left without us?" Amelia asked the sandy blonde Hufflepuff boy standing at her side. He looked down at her and nodded before heaving himself onto the carriage, reaching his hand out to her. They joined the Gryffindor boy who had been waiting for them to get on, giving the signal for the carriage to make its way along the path.

"Merlin's Beard Alec you're a little late to the sorting, especially for a Head boy" stated Alfie, throwing his hands in the air. The boy looked up from the spot on the ground where his eyes had been occupying, his face was the spitting image of Amelia. He nodded in acknowledgement but remained quiet, an unusual gesture for his loud and outgoing nature. Amelia wondered why her brother was acting so odd. It was his final year at Hogwarts and he had finally been chosen as Head boy, something they had both wanted for him. However, she dismissed his strange behaviour and set her eyes to the dimly lit path that had been decorated with twinkling lights. The three students jerked forwards as the carriage began its journey to the castle where the sorting ceremony had most likely begun without them.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore stood proudly at the front of the great hall. The three teenagers had just arrived on their late carriage and parted ways to their house tables, marking the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts. He began his yearly speech by introducing some of the professors and the basic ground rules of the school but was interrupted mid sentence by a small toad like woman dressed head to toe in pink. Her high pitched voiced echoing through the hall as she slid in front of the headmaster's podium.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." She squeaked looking out into the sea of students. "And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me," no one dared to move as she strut along. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends" she added with a terribly forced smile. Alfie leaned over to Amelia, letting a small snort leave his mouth causing her giggle.

"The job is cursed, we all know it, she'll be gone before you can say quidditch" he whispered. As if she were aware of his words the stout woman shot a cold look towards the table of Hufflepuffs.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young wizards and witches to be of vital importance." Amelia looked down at her empty golden plate, the Ministry of Magic was always something that she was not particularly fond of. Despite her big heart and understanding for everyone, she was able to see straight through the fake mask the Ministry put on for the public. Their disapproval and hostility towards Harry Potter was one of her primary reasons for her dislike, they refused to see the rise of the Dark Lord as a potential threat and to her nothing was more serious. Alfie sent a soft jab to her shoulder which snapped her out of the thoughts she was immersed in.

"Bloody hell, food could be falling from the sky and you still wouldn't have noticed" he laughed before stuffing his face full of the wonderful supper set before them. Amelia ginned at her friend before reaching for a buttered roll and some potatoes.

The first feast of the year had remained one of the best dinners Amelia had ever eaten in her entire life. The Hufflepuff girl had decided she wanted to turn in a bit early and beat the confused crowds of first years. Making sure to grab the password from a familiar Hufflepuff prefect before heading out, her absence undetected. As she walked down the moving staircases and past the kitchen she could hear a boy speaking to himself rather fast.

"Not again Neville, gran is going to have your head on a stick if she finds out you've lost Trevor." His tone was panicked as his feet shuffled urgently against the stone floor of the icy corridor.

"Do you need any help looking for something?" Her voice was warm and inviting, almost like a fire on a cold winters day. The boy looked down at her nervously, he was decorated in red and gold robes, similar to her black and yellow ones. He smiled at her awkwardly before speaking.

"I've lost my toad" he sighed, "again" adding once more under his breath. Amelia beamed up at him and squatted down to her hands and knees, scanning the floors.

"Toads tend to hide in the cold corners of rooms" she bellowed from bellow, crawling towards the corner of the hallway. She reached her delicate hands into the damp and dark space, pulling the small brown toad out gently. The Gryffindor boy was speechless, after an hour of continuous searching he was unable to find his pet, five minutes with this strange girl and Trevor had miraculously appeared.

"Th-thanks" he stuttered receiving the toad she had handed to him. She smiled back brightly and opened her mouth.

"Amelia Scamander," she said her name with so much pride.

"Neville Longbottom" the boy responded, smiling awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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