Chapter 2

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I spent the next two weeks at home. I needed to think of something to do on my birthday since Michael and Lilly are going to be away of vacation. It was to bad that they couldn't come. In the end, I decided to just spend it at a local bar.

The day had finally came; my birthday. I was 22 as of today album there was really no difference really. I woke up that morning with a slight head machine but it was all fine. I woke up early nearly because Michael decided to call me at 1am. I felt the vibration of the phone at the side of my bed.

I picked up to hear a croaking voice 

"Yo ash! Happy birthday bro."  He laughed

"Thanks Mike. I'm telling you there's no difference at all." I joked

"I'm really sorry I couldn't be there with you on your big day." He said sadly

"Michael, it's okay! I understand there's some family problems going on. Don't sweat it!" I said

"You sure bro?" He asked 

"Yes" I said

"Thank you for understanding. I shipped your present throug the mail. You should receive it by the eleventh." He said

"Okay. Thank you for awaking me at one o clock." I joked

"Anytime bro. Have a great day today and get some rest. Goodnight ash." 

"Goodnight" I smiled


After Michael'd call, I'd only gotten about six hours of sleep when Lilly called me. Once again, I picked up my vibratining phone, this times not being too mad. At least Lilly can call me at  a more decent time than one o clock in the morning. 

"Hey baby, happy birthday." She said in her adorable voice

"Thank you so much babe, I love you. It sucks you got that sickness from your vacation trip." I frowned

" I know. ' she frowned "but isn't Michael coming though?" She questioned me

"He has family problems to resolve so he had to flake out" I said

" Oh okay." She said "I'm gonna get some rest. I couldn't sleep all night from jet lag" she frowned

"Don't  be sad. I understand. Get some rest and thank you for the call, I love you." I smiled 

"I love you too. Goodbye" she coughed

The phone call wnded and thought this was a good time to get ready. I pulled it my finest pair of blue jean and a nice sweater that wasn't to heavy. I went down the stairs to see my family just waiting for me down there. I thought it was a little odd but it could be worse. The first thing to happen was Luke grabbing my waist into an embracive hug and him yelling into my ear Happy birthday,

"My god Luke, it's like seven in the morning. Shut up." Victoria whined as usual

"It's fine. Michale woke me at one in the morning today." I laughed

"Happy birthday honey." My parents said giving me a hug

"Aw thank you so much." I smiled " im so glad that you guys are here."

"So what would you want to do today?" My dad asked

"Perhaps if you guys aren't too busy, we could go for breakfast in an hour. Tonight I was suppose to go to a club with Michale and Lilly but Michael has plans and Lilly is sick so I'm going solo for that." I said

"Are you sure going to the club by yourself is safe?" Victoria questioned

" Yeah. It's age restriction club so only a certain age can get in. I'll be fine."

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes

About an hours later, we all left to go to IHOP. It was okay except for the fact I tripped on the concrete. At IHOP, my dad gave me the most beautiful watch I had ever seen. I swear it was made of emeralds because it had an amazing green glow. We basically just caught up with each other. We walked around the lake a few miles away afterwards which was quite peaceful if you asked me. The boats were out on the lake and the flowers were in perfect bloom. We spent about two hours there before finally going home. For the rest of the day we were mostly home relaxing with each other. As the night rose, I put on my finest black shirt and skinny jeans to head towards the club. I had an uber waiting outside so I was in a little rush.

"Hey mom, about to go out. I'll see all of you later." I said hugging them each

"Ashton, if anything goes wrong, please text us." She said with worry in her eyes

" I'll be fine." I kissed her on the cheek and left out the door.

The über pulled up the club in a huff and I was out. I showed my idea to the guard outside and I was in the club. I got to tell you, it's pretty boring without Mike and Lilly. I couldn't flirt with anyone because I wasn't really attracted to anyone and I was in a relationship. Everyone was completely drunk and the music was too loud. I spent most of my time either Ina bathroom stall snapchattimg Mike or outside. I decide that my thrist was quenching so I needed to go the bar. I took my seat at the stall with some guy next to me. Before I could pay for my drink the guy next to me spoke for me.

" The drinks are on me." He spoke loudly

"Wow. Thanks." I smiled

"Anytime. Say you have some really pretty eyes." He smiled as his dimples popped

He had a natural glow to his tan skin and jet black hair. His brown eyes pierced mine and he smile was the world. He was quite a good looking dude. I was so distracted in him I didn't even notice our drinks were here

"The name's Calum. And yours?" Calum smiled

"I'm.. Ashton.. I.." I was so speechless

He laughed and he said " it's fine Ashton. We all get speechless."

" it's nice to have someone to hang out with. Today's my broth day and none of my friends could make it."

"Aw that sucks. I'm sorry about that. Maybe a drink can clear your mind" he said

"It's fine but thanks! Bottoms up."

We clinched out glasses and chugged the alcohol. My drink was but strong but I could handle it. I've never had alcohol up until now so maybe it's just a first but I don't alcohol is suppose to make you tired. I could feel myself drooze off.

"You look bombed. Want new to take you home." Calum offered

"Yeah." My speech wa slightly slurred

He helped me to his car and he placed me in the front. I gave the address so he knew where he was going. We were nearly home infact could still see my house in my messed up state. But something was off when we passed my house.""

" um you passed my house." I said drifting iff." I said witried

" oh we're not going home." He said with a slightly evil smile

Then the pieces were beginning to click. I grabbed the car door trying to open the door but my body grew weaker and weaker and I skimmed further into my seat and I was stoned out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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