Hush (1) Katy Perry

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“I want you to sing it loud and proud for our last song tonight! HIT IT”

 Loud screams filled the stadium as Katy Perry danced her way to the front of the stage only metres infront of me as the song roar played, i think i may faint.





Katy was my idol, and i was currently rocking it out with my best friend Chastity.

“THIS IS AMAZING!” She cried into my ear.

“I AGREE!” Grinning back.

“WHAT? YOU NEED TO PEE? BUT IT’S OVER SOON?!” Rolling my eyes and laughing it off, i spun in my spot. What next? I tripped on my own feet.

Pathetic really, just as i thought i would fall on my ass and get jumped on to death. A strong muscular pair of arms grabbed my waist.

 I looked up to the most gorgeous pair of green eyes and chocolate curly brown hair.

A blush rosed to my cheeks, thank god for the florescent lights.

“Thankyou” Mouthing to him.

What felt forever, I was raised upright. Heat radiated from his hold, if it was possible i think my face is on fire.

I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, a blank expression masked his emotions. It wasn’t until a girl next to him clawed on his other arm, glaring at me whilst pouting.

Before i knew it the song ended and i was pulled by Chastity out the exit door, my heart pounding in my chest as he turned back to the blonde.

Warm night air rushed in my face as the starry night cooled me down.

Chastity was basically ripping my arm socket. “ARGH MOVE IT PEOPLE”

I felt like slapping myself silly “I didn’t even get his name Chas!” Groaning as she reared near the car.

“I know, I’m sorry Rein, but you know i hate the wait, i needed to get out of there” Chastity pouted flipping her silky scarlet hair over her shoulder staring tensely at me with big brown doe eyes.

“He was so hot, i almost forgot about Jason”. I raked my fingers through my honey brown hair.

“Jason isn’t good for you, he has already cheated on you once with Nicole. Why not say he isn’t doing it now?” Chas narrowed her eyes knowingly.

“I hate how you could be right”

“I’m always right Rein” Giggling we hoped into the car, myself at the driver’s side.

Zipping out of the car park our little blue bug car cruised with easy blasting ‘Unconditionally’ (Katy Perry) through our radio.

“Holy shit Rei! LOOK OUT!”

Chas clawed at my arm, her nails digging into my forearm.

A dark shadow stomped into the somewhat empty street, slamming on the breaks my car skidded, serving into the gutter stopping the car instantly with a loud bang, throwing my body forward as pain erupted in my chest for the force of hitting the steering wheel.

“Nice driving skills Rein”

“Shut-up Chas” Coughing painfully, i opened my door to reveal the green eyed mystery boy.

Gulping, little butterflies stirred in the pits of my stomach.

“Shit! You rig- Its’ you again” His British accent was all i could zone in on listening.

Breathing in deeply, i slumped towards the boy.

“REIN!?” Chas shook my other side as my vision blurred.

“Please, don’t shake her something’s wrong”

“This is your fault! Who are you?!” I could hear a faint cry

“I’m here to help, i didn’t mean to come out of nowhere. As who am i? I’m Harry.

Harry Styles”

Then darkness consumed me.

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