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My name is Ally Gray. All my life I have always wanted to open my own restaurant, but I never knew where to start. My parents have always been really supportive so when I turned twenty they gave me §20000 to get myself a house. It was small and dirty, but I got it cleaned up and put my own personal touches in there. My first job was effectively a human dishwasher at a little restaurant in willow creek. My co-workers were nice, we would all go out for drinks if one of us was promoted and it was always a good time. Life was good.

One night, when I got home from work I found a champagne pink envelope addressed to me in swirly purple handwriting. I was so desperate to get to bed that I didn't bother looking at the handwriting and assumed it was from Mum, cast it on the dining table and headed to bed. The next morning I woke up, got a shower, made breakfast and then I remembered the letter. I sat down and opened it. At this point I knew it wasn't from Mum, but someone else. I had definitely never seen this handwriting before, so I was anxious to see who it was that even writes letters anymore. The letter read:


We have heard your name around town and have decided to offer you a place in our prestigious club, the Paragons. If you are sensible you will know this is not a situation to pass up easily, so I suggest you meet us at Bathe de Ril in Windenburg on Wednesday at 9am. If you make a good imperession on us, then you can consider yourself one of us.

Siobhan Fyres xx

Well, looks like I have plans for... wait. Check the calendar, check the clock, shit. I should be there in 30 minutes. I had never got dressed so fast in my life. On my way to the bus stop I checked my phone, a message from Siobhan: Did you get my letter? Please let me know if you are coming so I know how many pastries we need. Thanks, Siobhan X. Pastries? Damn, this is gonna be one fancy meeting. I should have made them something, if I'd not read the letter 5 minutes ago, that is. I quickly responded to say, yes, I was coming and I sped up the road.

As I ran I thought to myself: Why I am so desperate to get there? I don't even know these people so well so.. what gives? I continued to quiz myself all the way to the pool, looking down at the ground to see where I was going, even though I wasn't focused on where I was going. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard them.

"Ally? Ally Gray is that you?"

Her voice snapped me back into reality, and I looked up to see Siobhan in all her glory. Each lock of black hair plated and tossed over one side of her head. Her maple skin caught the sun beautifully in the sun, her dark, chocolate brown eyes shimmering. Each feature complemented the other perfectly. She was utterly divine. I quickly responded "Yes, erm Siobhan?" and hoped my gawping was shielded by the sun.
"Hi, welcome to the Paragons, allow me to introduce the others". She gesture to the two teenagers standing to her left, one blonde and one brunette. "This is Sofia, she's an awesome musician" she remarked as she let her hand fall on the blondes shoulder. "and this is Luna, her brother is the leader of the renegades. We... don't like the renegades." Luna uncomfortably shifted before nodding in agreement. It was true though, the two clubs hated each other. I say club loosely as the renegades consider themselves a gang where as the Paragons act more like a group of role models. Siobhan then Gestured to man on her right and giggled out "and this is Sergio Romeo, my boyfriend!".

I didn't understand why knowing she was taken made me... uncomfortable but it did. He had green eyes, olive skin and brown hair, and looked like as big of a jerk as his name suggested. Although I hate people who judge people, I could not help but feel like he wasn't right for her, even though she was clearly head over heels for him. One thing, though, was clear to me from this brief meeting, I HAD to get into the Paragons.

Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now