Section 3

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Luke Skywalker and the Outer Rim Profiteer:  Section III

            We blasted off of Arami, the Jade Sabre soaring across the lower atmosphere before reaching space.  As the dull orange sky darkened into blackness and starlight, it was easy to see the mayhem transpiring above the planet, even from the distance Skywalker had put between us and the battle.

            Peering out the cockpit's window, I pointed at the ships as they engaged each other.  "Just how many are out there?”

            "Eight cruisers on our side—Mon Calamari, a Dreadnaught—a couple old Star Destroyers," Skywalker replied as he set his navi-computer.  "And six on hers.  Just as random in design and origin."

            I shook my head at that.  "I don't get it.  She thinks she going to destroy the New Republic with six battle cruisers?  That's like attacking an army with curse words."

            "Having plans to build a new Death Star would certainly aid her cause."

            "Can't you just let that one go?”

            "Not yet."

            I grimaced.  Skywalker either didn't notice or didn't care about my annoyance.  A few seconds later, he pulled back on the hyperdrive controls, and the dots of stars stretched into lines of light, heading towards our destination.

            Then he really got to work.  On a database console, he researched Kessel, looking up the current weather patterns, oxygen levels, and the designs for the mining tower we would be going to.  He studied its blueprints, asking me where my brother would be in the tower—which I had no clue—and then where I should go if things turned south.

            After that, he inspected his lightsaber—the hilt, the circuitry—there was a finely cut green crystal in that thing and he examined it from top to bottom, and then plugged the hilt into an outlet in the ship's controls to charge the power cell.  He retrieved a blaster from a storage compartment, inspecting it in a similar fashion.

            "Here," Skywalker said after he finished.  "You'll need this."

            He handed it to me.  Looking over the weapon, I turned back to the Jedi.  "Aren't you afraid I'll turn on you and try to blast my way to safety?”

            I meant it as a joke—okay, a half-joke—but Skywalker only nudged his head at the blaster.  "The moment you decide to shoot at me with that is the same moment you lose your firing arm.  Is that clear?”

            "Like an Imperial deflector shield," I muttered, and then holstered the thing.  I didn't even know if I wanted to use it now, in case there was a misunderstanding.

            By the time we'd finished prepping, we had arrived in the Kessel solar system.  As Skywalker had pointed out earlier, Kessel wasn't exactly a top tourist pick for the galaxy.  The planet itself had an elongated center, making it slightly deformed.  Its surface was no prettier.  Although Kessel was habitable, the air was thin, and nothing could grow there.  If it weren't for the precious spices underneath the ground, the planet would be as worthless as one-legged trousers.  Kessendra was the only semi-populated city on the planet, and even it had its deserted spots. 

            "Buckle in," Skywalker said.  "I'm about to start the landing cycle."

            We passed Kessel's thin atmosphere, and descended towards Kessendra.

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