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The night was cold, and dark. I felt the bitter breeze against my skin, as we, meaning me, my twin brother, my little sister, and my best friend trudged through the woods to get to this "So called party".

" Are we almost there?" spoke my very bitter twin, as he pulled his jacket tighter around him, and gave me a side long glare which told me 'we are never doing this again'.Yes, I will admit, Roman is a stickler for all things nature, and trudging through a dark forest just to get to a party, well, that wasn't exactly his idea of fun, and as a matter of speaking, I'm not really enjoying myself either. He grumbled a bit under his breath and trudged on, as I watched him, not even trying to hide my amusement.

Oh, yes he was surly, but he was only this way around my bestfriend, whom he had not so affectionately dubbed 'The Harpy', for her rather high pitched voice.

Our younger sister often teased us on this account, saying it was the only way we were alike, other than our looks.

Roman, stood at six foot one, broad shouldered, with a muscular physique, with a strikingly chiseled face, dark olive tone skin, much like my own, dark brown eyes which were set in a constant simmering gaze, and cropped jet black hair.

I look ahead and I see my sister and best friend chatting quite loudly and happily, they are both elated to be going to a party, especially my sister, she is fifteen, and it's her very first high school party, I always said I would be the cool sister, who let things like this slide, however, Roman never agreed and it took almost an hour to convince him to let her go, and he said the only way she could go, is if he and I accompanied her.

So that's how we ended up here. Parties aren't my thing, I much prefer, sitting in my room alone, pretending the rest of the world isn't horrible, while I quietly eat potato chips and gummy bears, while watching any and everything that Netflix has to offer.

Yep, that's me.

I'm not a girl who likes to party, or get drunk or high, I just like seclusion, I'm a real recluse, y'know?

My brother on the other hand. is the complete opposite, and if this party wasn't out in natures heart then he would be begging me to go.

"Oh, shut up and quit whining! I told you it would take us awhile to get there didn't i?" said the shrill voice of my best friend in the whole wide world, Britney. She was a five eleven, blonde bombshell with big, bright blue eyes, a slender body, flawless white skin, a square, sharp jawline, and perfectly straight golden blonde hair that fell to her lower back. She was the epitome of beauty, where as I was not. I always envied her, she had her pick of any man she wanted and she always got her way, always.

However, I loved her, she always had my back, she pushed me to be a better me, and she was part of the reason I had came out of my shell this much. She never made me feel any lesser than I actually was, she always complimented my appearance, unlike my siblings who always said 'I could be mistaken as a kardashian, if I were pretty.'

As for my appearance, I stand at a whopping five foot one, I have a hourglass figure (my physique is the only thing my siblings compliment), i have almond shaped light green eyes, a set of full, pouty lips, long dark brown lightly curled hair which falls mid back, and dark Olive skin.

In my opinion I am an average looking teen of Brazilian descent, but Britney and my mom say otherwise, both staying the only reason I believe that is because my brother and sister say so, and that the only reason they say those things is just to be dicks.

"Who did you say invited you to this party by chance?" I sighed out, I too, was beginning to get a tad annoyed with all the walking, like why was there not a trail? Did it really have to be out in the middle of no where? What if someone get hurt? There wont be cell reception and even if there is, cars or ambulances wouldn't be able to reach us.

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