OverRun [9]

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Your Pov


In the distance, I saw a house with it's lights on. Strange. I made my way towards it. When the front door opened, I hid in a bush.

A man looked out, and then closed the door. I snuck towards the two story house and glanced through the window.

The man walked into a back room. My eyes trailed down and I saw a sleeping guy, his face hidden.

One of the dead  snuck up behind me, I cut it down and accidentally bumped into the window. Another one came out. I cut it down, only to realize this was a fairly large group of them.

Again, the door opened. I was pulled inside by someone. My back hit his built chest. I looked up to see his face. "Thanks."

"Well, for one, your welcome. For two, why were you at our front door."  I pointed towards the light above him.

"This place is lit up like a lighthouse. Figured I'd warn you.

He smiled. "Well, guess you're staying here awhile. Name's Mark. Before the apocalypse, I was the YouTuber Markiplier!"  "I'm Y/n."

Present day

I ran inside the house, quickly trying to close the door behind me. Three arms made their way through and I shoved them back, unsuccessfully. Mark and Jack noticed me struggling and ran over. They shoved their weight against the door and I hacked the limbs off. The door barely shut.

I fell against the door and sighed. "Well. I found like three bottles of water and a can of peas but that's all they had. I assume it was raided before us." Mark cursed and walked off. Jack looked at me with a sad expression. "Y/n... what are we going to do? The garden isn't growing anything and all of the stores are raided."

I rubbed my forehead. "It's probably the mp.... you guys did choose to stay here in their territory." Jack's eyes widened. "Hey what about that group you were with awhile back?" I glared up at him and Mark walked in. "Y/n.. we might not have a choice."   My glare hardened. "I have a choice. Guys, it happened to me twice." Jack shared a look with Mark. "What if we protect you-"   "That is exactly what Levi tried to do!" I stood up. Mark stepped forward. 

"We know, but we are two people. Not one."   I crossed my arms.   "Levi is stronger than both of you combined."   Jack smirked and nudged Mark.   "I think our Y/n has a crush on Levi."  I growled. "I do not! 

Mark snickered. "You do to!"  I narrowed my eyes. "Just because he was close to me, doesn't mean I like him!" Jack laughed. "Then why do you speak so highly of him? Perhaps you love him?" I rolled my eyes. "You speak highly of your fans."

"And I love my fans."   "You speak highly of your friends.   "My friends are like family, Y/n. It's obvious you love him."   "Do not!" The dead started beating on the door. I face-palmed. "We are moving out. Get your most important stuff. Mark let me see that axe."

They left me alone and I quickly grabbed what I needed which was conveniently in the same room as the front door, and then heard hinges break. I turned and kicked the first zombie out the door.

"Jack! Mark! get to the car! I'll meet you there!" I decapitated a zombie and shoved another. It was tiring me out quickly because I had just gotten back from a raid. There were to many of them and I heard a car horn and bolted towards the back. One of the dead got there before me so I bolted upstairs and tossed a bookshelf in the next one's path.

As fast as I could, I ran the master bedroom and started to unlocked the window. They piled into the room, I climbed out the window and jumped into the back of the truck. Since it was a two story building, I twisted my ankle and i could see  the bone. Jack looked at me through the back window and I cursed every curse word possible.

"Shit.. Mark."  Mark glanced back and also cursed. He stepped on the gas and I held on to the support handle that was connected to the cab. "Fuck Y/n... you're gonna be ok-" "DRIVE BETTER!" Mark was driving fast and unsafe. As soon as we cleared our street, he turned a corner roughly and hit a barricade. It was a strong military wire that was about six feet high.

Both of them were fine, they had seat beats. I, on the other hand, flew out of the back of the truck and over the wire. I hit the concrete hard. I winced because my ankle twisted more. Jack and Mark looked at me panicked as they tried to get over the wiring, unsuccessfully. I saw why they were panicking. There were dead people walking towards me.

I coughed and tried to sit up.

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