Chapter XIV

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At the Night Hunt Command Center, Damon and Gregor were working endlessly to assist the estates against Ariel. Not much progress has been made, Ariel has proven to be ruthless in his methods. The hunters aren't able to hold their own against his forces. The pure blooded vampires overcome the hunters in mere minutes. 

Damon is communicating with scouting teams to keep a vigilant watch on the region. "Sir, the new recruits have arrived. Are you going to address them?" asked the hunter. Usually, Damon wouldn't hesitate to address the new recruits. However, he barely had any time to himself. "No, speak to Gregor, he can address them."

The hunter nodded and walked away to speak with Gregor. Recently, the Blackstar's forces have killed veteran hunters and they need to be replaced. Damon was expecting to get more experienced hunters, but that was out of the question. The new recruits probably haven't ever seen a vampire nor challenged them in single combat. 

"Sir, I have a message from the Dawnbreak estate." Damon turned around and accepted the letter from the hunter. It was unusually for Liam to send a letter to the command center. Nevertheless, the letter did bear the seal of the Dawnbreak estate. He opened it and started to read it. 

Dear Damon,

            Niall and I have become worried about our situation. We believe Ariel is going to attack us and I don't have an established force yet. I would ask you to send your veterans hunters to my estate. It would greatly assist us in the war effort. 

Your friend,

         Lord Liam

Damon looked over the letter several times and wasn't sure about it. The wording of the letter didn't appear to Liam's nature. He hasn't going to deny Liam the needed support. It was clear the Dawnbreak estate needed assistance and he would answer their call. He walked over to the intercom and spoke, "I need all available veteran hunters to travel to the Dawnbreak estate and assist them in defense. You are under Liam and Niall's command until further notice."

Within an hour, more than half of the hunters were traveling to the estate. Gregor was worried about the command center, but didn't voice his opinion. The center grew quiet within the next couple hours. "Sir, I've lost contact with our scouting teams." Damon rushed over to the hunters and looked into the problem.

Everyone in the room stared at Damon and waited for his response. Gregor walked into the room and spoke, "Damon, what's the problem?" They stared at each other and knew exactly what was about to happen. "Raise the alarm. I need all hunters to defend the command center." said Damon. He announced the same over the intercom.

The hunters rushed to the defense of the center, but the Blackstar's forces breached the entrance already. The vampires easily slaughtered the hunters and no one stood a chance against them. Gregor rallied the remaining defenders and attempted to push back the vampires. It was useless, Marcel showed up with additional forces.

Marcel drove his sword into Gregor's chest and death followed suit. However, Damon and a group of rookie hunters were able to escape, they used a hidden pathway. Before leaving, Damon took one last look at the Night Hunt Command Center. It was painful for him to watch the Night Hunt be destroyed. 

Damon and the rookie hunters fled to the Dawnbreak estate. The veteran hunters would still be alive and well. 

Marcel claimed region for the Blackstar estate, which granted them more territory. He started to search their records and find a weak spot in the estates. A safe was in Damon's room and he approached it. All attempts to open the safe were effortless, it would only open for a human.

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