Can't Find My Spine

140 7 16

Can't find my Spine O_O

I am dumbfounded by the lies that I see.

I am flabbergasted eversince my sanity tries to flee.

My left eye couldn't handle the marvels that it sees.

My right eye couldn't fathom sarcasm from apologies. 

My mouth is shut from the cruelness of reality.

My tongue itches for their bogus formality.

My hands are tied from those endless posibilities.

They said I'm no better and I don't have abilities.

I ran from the stares of those headless pigeons.

They can condemn you or hate you for no damn reasons.

A clown of a pigmented and ironic fabrication,

Made the audience applause and giggle while holding their ovation.

I landed on a spot where rumors make you cold.

I reached my hand but there's no one to hold.

I screamed and cried and tried to offer some golds,

Many responded... Oh! ...a thousand unfolds.

I looked up to the sky hoping to find something.

I refrain from blaming and started to question my being.

I prayed so hard that my eyes started bleeding.

I belived too much that my soul resorted to breaking.

I started to pick up the remains of my past.

Embracing solitude and hoping it wouldn't last.

I gave up redemption and waited time to run fast,

But my mind said "Stop"...Wakeup! Living is a  must!"

I folded my arms and embraced dear soul.

I leaped and ran from that endless loophole.

World by world I've defeated pigeons and ghoul.

No... not ever that they can swallow me whole. 

In time I will see the brighest of star.

My eyes will devour mayhems near or far.

My tongue will lead and speak endless grammars,

And my hand will write all the odd and peculiars.

I'm awake, I'm alive and this world is mine.

I'll stand tall and proud... my soul will shine!

No one can forbid and draw my border line!

I'm real, with flesh and now... with SPINE.

------ Tell me what you think. ;)

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