Chapter 6

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6: Answers

Rin's P.O.V

When we got back, Ash sat me on the bed as he went to get the first aid kit. I sat there remembering the faces of shock at school. Ash kneeled in front of me and took my shirt off with a tint of pink on his cheeks. He stared at my wound with wide eyes.

"Holy! That's a huge wound!" He said suprised.

I nodded as I watched him patch it. He then wrapped a bandage around it tightly so it won't bleed. I had a big cut on my hand so he wrapped that up to. He got up and patted my head before he left to put the kit away.

"Ash.. do you think they will accept me..?" I asked nervous.

I mean, they (As in Kai and Ichigo) were my friends for life and just now they realize I'm a demon fighting for my family I thought.

"If their your true friends, they'll understand and accept it." He said, sitting next to me.

I laid my head on his shoulder, letting out a pretty big sigh. I was tired after using my power agenst an enemy for the first time. Slowly, my eye lids get heavier as I slowly fell asleep to the rythem of Ash's heartbeat and breathing.

I woke up and saw that I was cuddled with Ash under the covers.

He must of tucked me in I thought.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I got changed into my school uniform and brushed my hair. I straightened it. I walked out and put my socks and shoes on. I stood up and grabbed my bag, looking back at Ash who was sitting up.

"Bye Ash!" I waved.

"Bye, Rin. Be safe"

I walked out and waited for the bus. The bus came down the dusty road. I got and and saw some people staring at me.

The word must spread fast I said sitting down.

I got off the bus seeing some people scared and others walking away from me. I saw Kai and Ichigo wave to me with their normal smiles like nothing happend.  I ran up to them and hugged them.

"Kai, Ichigo!" I said.

"Ready?" Ichigo said, looking at the school doors.

I nodded and we all walked in. We went to the class.

"Well class, I hate to inform you, but due to yesterday's attack, we won't be having gym until the mess Rin and that demon made is cleaned." Mrs.Gram said.

The class looked at me as I laughed awkwardly.

"S-sorry. I had to protect you guys" I said awkwardly.

"Explain." She said.

"Well.. when I went into the woods, I ran into bandits and they had hurt me so I couldn't  move. Ash, the other demon who saved me, had found me and helped me. My cat, Snowdrop, was a magical cat who gave me the half demon power. I made an oath to kill Claw and bring back my family. Ash and I are a team now, I guess" I said.

They were beyond shocked. I mean, who wouldn't? Finding out your classmate was a demon this entire time is quite shocking.

"Ahhh Rin!!! I finally met a demon!!!" Ichigo said excitedly, hugging me tightly.

Kai, hugged me saying, "I'm happy to have met a neko!"

I laughed and hugged them back. I let them go, turning to Mrs.Gram.

"Is it ok if.. I let my true form free?" I asked with my hand on my crystal. 

She nodded with a sigh. I took it off very carefully. In a blinding light with white sparkles (Duh!), my ears were out, perked up with my tail wrapped around my leg. My Element Mark was glowing for a few seconds then it died down.

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