3- Old Friends

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The morning had come at a slow pace, and Keith had received little sleep from his constant investigating. He went through as many websites he could after that conversation, but it was all the same, the same boy goes missing, the same person reports him in, and nothing leads to why he's gone. You'd think that the police would have released more, that they would announce everything they could find, but of course there's always the private information that they never wanted to release. His best chance for mor information was with the boy he had just contacted.

"Hey..." A quiet voice had spoke from behind him. Keith turned over to see Lance looking down at him from the bed with an exhausted expression. "Did you even sleep last night?" He asked as he went to stretch, and as he did, Keith could hear Lances joints pop.

"I was reading, I guess I got to caught up in it." Keith had said as he slipped from the blanket he had set out for himself.

Lance gave a small laugh, "What a nerd." He teased slightly as he stood, and Keith began to do the same. They were silent as Keith motioned for him to stay in his room until he said otherwise before Keith left Lance in his room to look for his brother.

The house was still, and dead silent as Keith looked through the rooms, only his footsteps being heard. He roamed to the kitchen where coffee had been set out for him and a sticky note set beside it, He sighed from relief, and he took the note from the table along with the pure black coffee in his usual red mug.

'Morning bed head, I went to work early today so I thought I'd set your bland coffee out for you, I'll be back around 1 for lunch, but next time, could you at least try to make it homy and sleep in your own bed instead of the floor?

Keith crumpled the note and threw it away before heading back to his room. The last thing he wanted to worry about was why his brother wanted him to sleep in bed with a stranger, so he just brushed it off and opened the door, letting Lance know he could come down and Keith could make something for him if he was hungry. Lance followed him down and scrolled around as Keith turned on the TV and laid down on the couch. He growled when he saw it was some dramatic soap opera and he quickly went to change it as Lance finally decided to sit beside him.

"Do you need anything to eat?" Keith asked as he flipped through a series of different, and strange channels.

"Nah, I don't feel hungry at all." Lance responded as he payed attention to every channel Keith went through.

Keith went to say more, but he stopped himself. Lance had said he wouldn't have known what happened to him,if anything he could have just spent his time hiding with someone, he could have experienced Amnesia, so he wouldn't know where he went, or the last time he ate. "Alright.." Keith replied, "we'll go out later today.." He mentioned to him as he finally stopped on the FYI channel which played the show about two men helping families downgrade to incredibly small house.

Lance had jolted slightly at the thought of going back outside, he felt himself go pail and he took his arm and bit his lip from the sick, anxious feeling filling in his chest. "Do I have to go?" He choked out as he hesitantly laid back on the couch.

"No you don't have too." Keith answered as he watched the show he had on, "I'm going to see an old friend of yours about your disappearance, but if you don't want to come you can just find something to do in my room until I come back."

"Who are you going to see?" The brunette asked reluctantly as he turned to Keith slowly.

"Some guy named Hunk-"

"Hunk!" He yelled out springing up quickly making Keith jolt as Lance ran for his shoes, "why didn't you say his name earlier!? He's my best friend! He can help me! He'll know what to do to make sure he doesn't find me!" He yells from the sudden burst of excitement as he struggled to get his left on properly.

"Well we can't leave now, his shop isn't open yet.." Keith protested as he slowly laid himself back down.

"Shop?" Lance questioned.

"Yeah, he works at a Bakery now." He spoke blandly, "seems to be his hobby."

"He loved baking, I know how much he wanted to work at this bakery shop.. I can't recall its name, but damn was it weird, I'd always use it as a substitute cuss work because it sounded like some alien language." He laughed, "the owners always gave me the strangest looks whenever I did, god it was hilarious!" His laughter slowly developed into a sad smile as he looked down, "god do I miss that.."

"I'm sure you do.." The pail boy responded as he moved his feet for Lance to sit down. He had done so, but he afterward flopped down onto Keith making him lose his breath quickly, "what the hell are you doing?" He wheezes out trying to regain his breathing from the accidental blow on his chest.

"Shut up okay..." He mumbles as he awkwardly lays there, "I'm tired and your in my way..."

"Fine then.." Keith sighed back as he sat up, "look, until we know Hunk is there, I want answers.."

Lance had moved himself from Keith to the now more open part of the couch while Keith had moved his legs behind him, "Im not sure what I can answer... But go ahead and shoot.."

"Could you at least try to think of who exactly HE is?" Keith spoke quietly as he looked at the boy laying at the edge of the couch by his stomach. Lance had sighed before taking his head and grimacing. He seemed to have been processing his thinking, attempting to remember.

"I don't remember his name.." He said slowly, " but he was tall, REALLY tall. I thought he was a woman when I first met him, I hit on him at a party or something... I-I got along with him.."

"Hit on him?" Keith questioned.

"I said I though he was a girl! Don't think I'm into men!" Lance growled, "thats all I remember of him so lets drop it.." Keith looked at him before looking back at the tv, he knew he wouldn't get far into questioning. He had already asked before who this man was, and last time he didn't receive a detailed answer. Lance seemed uncomfortable about the whole conversation, and honestly, who wouldn't? Lance didn't know what was going on, and neither did anyone else, it was stubborn, but Keith would have to wait for Lance to open up to more answers.

"Alright..." He finally responded as he stood from the couch and went back towards the kitchen to drop off his mug and set up breakfast for himself. He laid a pan on the stove and turned on the heat before cracking eggs into the pan.

"No bacon?" Lance asked him as he walked in and sat on the counter and pumping his legs up like a child.

"Im Vegetarian.." Keith simply answered with a bland voice as he watched the pan.

"Wait what!?" Lance raised his voice in surprise, " why are you making eggs then!? What about McDonalds!?"

"There's Vegetarians who eat eggs Lance..." Keith grumbled, "and I order a salad..."

"I don't understand you, but alright." Lance responded which led to an eye roll from Keith.

Eventually after adding the things he needed to his eggs he got a plate and sat down. Lance had followed him like a lost puppy and sat on the table and watched him eat, constantly asking for when they leave. Keith had gotten irritated by the end of it and stood harshly, unable to finish his breakfast, before getting his shoes.

"Are we going now?" Lance said watching Keith tie the laces of his Converse.

"Yes..." He answered, clearly annoyed. "You could have been patient, Jesus, you're like a child.." He stood and went to the door as Lance still clung to his side.

"I got that a lot~ now lets go!~" Lance slurred to him, and Keith grumpily went through the front door and locked it behind them.

Finally after all that running in fear, he'd finally see his old friend.

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