Twilight Saga New Stars

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Part 1

Chapter 1- Alice OMG.

I stared at the rain as it fell fast into the ground. "Bella!" Edward called. "I'm here!" I replied. "We need to go to the house now. Jasper says it's an emergency. We'll bring Renesmee. Apparently it's urgent." I shook Renesmee awake. "We have to go to the house. It's urgent." "Why?" she asked. "I don't know." I replied.

When we got there, Alice and Rosalie were sitting on the couch, Alice was alarmingly pale. Carlisle was pacing, muttering 'How did it happen? How could it have happened? Vampire? No not possible.' Jasper wasn't saying anything. He just was leaning against the wall looking utterly flabbergasted. "Will someone tell us what's going on?" I said. Alice promptly burst into tears. I rushed over. "What's going on?" I asked. "I don't know!" Alice sobbed. "How did it happen?" Edward's mouth dropped as he looked into Carlisle's thoughts. "Impossible!" he gasped. "What's going on?" I demanded. Alice turned to face me. "I don't know how, but I'm pregnant." I nearly fell off my own feet. "What?" I exclaimed. "But that isn't possible!" I turned to Carlisle. "I don't know." He replied to my look. Alice suddenly passed out. "It's exactly what happened to me." I murmured. "You say that like you regret it." Renesmee said, sounding hurt. I laughed. "Of course I don't regret it." I chuckled as she climbed onto my lap. "Is it too late to have the baby removed?" Jasper asked, his voice choking a bit. "Yes." Carlisle said gravely. "And unless the very unlikely possibility that the baby is a human, the baby should be perfectly formed in a month." "What?" we all cried in unison. "But there is the possibility that the baby is human." Emmet pointed out. "Bella." Said Carlisle turning to me. "You have the sharpest ears. See if you can hear a heartbeat." I gave Renesmee to Edward and closed my eyes. I heard a faint thumping from inside Alice's body and gasped. "Holy crow!" I exclaimed. "What?" Jasper urged. "It is human!" I beamed. "It will form in the normal nine months. " Carlisle let out a sigh of relief. "But Alice doesn't have any blood. No period. Nothing." Esme said. "How will she give birth to a human baby?" "Don't ask me!" Alice groaned as she regained consciousness. "Didn't you see this?" I asked. "I think while I'm pregnant I won't be getting any visions." Alice mumbled. "So your baby's a human." I told her. She sighed in relief, like Carlisle. "How is it possible that a vampire could get pregnant?" Rosalie demanded. "Same way as every normal human." Emmet grinned. "Ew! Emmet!" Renesmee protested. "No...I mean vampires aren't supposed to be able to have kids!" "Momma did." Renesmee shrugged. "I was still human Nessie." I told her. "It nearly killed me, but after you were born Dad injected venom into my heart. But only after." Renesmee nestled into my hair as soon as I said the last few lines of "It nearly killed me" and so forth. "Your birthday's soon." I reminded her. Alice's face lit up as Renesmee groaned. "I don't want to get older!" she complained. "I guess you learned that from your mom." Edward chuckled, kissing the top of my head from behind the couch. Alice looked pleadingly at Renesmee. "Can I arrange a birthday party? Please!" She asked. "It will take my mind off things." "Ok, sure." Renesmee shrugged. "Just don't overdo it!" Then she stretched her legs and closed her eyes and fell asleep against my chest.

Alice stayed in our cottage, planning Renesmee's birthday party for the next few weeks. "I don't want to drink any blood." She insisted. "I don't want to puke a fountain like Bella." I scowled. "You did what?" Renesmee asked eyes wide. "I vomited blood 'cause that's what I'd been drinking to strengthen me up." I said hesitantly. "You'll have to eat normal human food." Carlisle said. "The baby's human." Alice scowled. "Hey, Alice, mind Renesmee for a minute." Edward said. "Bella, come here." I followed him out into the hallway. "Bad news." He announced. I read the look on his face. It read 'Danger.' "What?" I urged him. He sighed and led me away from the living room and out the back door. "There were Volturi who weren't actually that. They were betraying Aro and his men. Now, they have left the Volturi and gone to their true side. The organization is called the Moririans. The Volturi have met their downfall. Now the Moririans are in power." "No!" I gasped. Edward looked at the floor. "I thought it was all over!" I whispered miserably. "That we could be normal again!" Edward cupped my face with his hand. "So did we." He said pityingly. I thought I was going to really cry. I'd hoped all the death threats and things would be over. I hoped I could now live a normal life with my husband and daughter. Apparently not. Edward didn't need to read my mind to know what I was thinking. "I'm sorry Bella." He said. "Don't apologise!" I snapped. "It's not your fault!" "You haven't heard the worst part." He said gravely. "I don't want to!" I said, covering my ears. He grabbed my hands and pinned them to my sides. "My father is the leader!" he spat out. I stopped. "What? But your father's dead!" Edward let go of me. "No. He's a vampire. He diagnosed my mother too late with influenza so it was certain she'd die. He was planning to do the same to me so he could inherit my mother's fortune and live in the lap of luxury but he was bitten first. He was happy with his new life. He planned to kill me but Carlisle bit me first and took me away." I stared at him, open mouthed. "What are you staring at?" he snapped. "Sorry, I..." He didn't let me finish. He grabbed me just as a scream left my lips. "Edward!" Carlisle thundered. Jasper came and took Edward out of them room. "He always gets like that when he talks about his father." Carlisle told me. "I understand why." I gasped. "Did he hurt you?" he asked me. "No, I'm fine." I replied. Renesmee was leaning over Alice's shoulder reading the invitations. Alice gave me a look saying "What happened?" I replied with a look saying "Tell you later." I didn't want Renesmee to think badly of Edward, even though I felt unusually scared of him right now. "Edward wants to talk to you." Carlisle whispered in my ear. I nervously made my way outside to the garden. "Bella, I'm so sorry! It's just whenever I..." I didn't let him finish. "I know." I interrupted and I ran up to him and kissed him. "I understand Edward." I said, burying my face in his shirt. "Don't." he said. "I want to see you." "Mum!" Renesmee shrieked suddenly. "Dad! Carlisle! Emmet! Somebody! Help!" We both raced inside. Alice was on the floor, unconscious. Carlisle was leaning over her. "What's going on?" Renesmee sobbed. I took her in my arms. "Nothing. This happens all the time." I told her reassuringly, though I was lying. I'd become a lot better at it since I was a vampire. "This doesn't usually happen." I hissed at Edward. Alice coughed and woke up. "I feel like a brick has catapulted into my head." She said groggily. Jasper stroked her hair worriedly. "I hope this all goes well." He muttered. I sighed as Renesmee ran over to finish reading Alice's invites. "You and me both, Jasper." I said. "You and me both."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2010 ⏰

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