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Lauren could feel her eyelids begin to droop as she sat at her desk, listening to her English professor's monotonous tone as he continued to drone on about the literary devices used in Shakespeare's 'King Lear'. 

 As the heavy heat of the summer air settled around the classroom, she began to feel as if the atmosphere was almost suffocating; the sheer film of sweat that covered the back of her neck and the way her skirt was sticking uncomfortably to the undersides of her thighs were both indicators that this school term was going to be a long and tedious one.Just as her eyes began to close, Camila shifted beside her.

 Lauren blinked her eyes back into focus as she watched her friend curiously, studying the way she moved; the subtle motions of Camila's fingers as her dull nails tapped against the table they sat at, and the sound of her feet tapping continuously against the hard linoleum floors of the classroom. 

She watched as Camila's tongue darted out to wet her lips, and as she combed a hand through thick brown locks.Lauren had never told anyone, but she had always had a small crush on the girl; there was just something so attractive in the way she carried herself - Camila was always so unabashedly herself, and the mix of her goofy, light-hearted mannerisms made her all the more charming in Lauren's eyes. 

But from the amount of times Lauren had caught herself staring, she was sure Dinah, Ally and Normani all knew of her feelings for the younger girl.Her focus was diverted once again as Camila raised her hand, causing the English teacher to stop his lecture, as he looked at the brown-eyed girl expectantly. 

 "Yes, Miss Cabello?"Something changed in Camila's expression, but it passed just as quickly as it came. She cleared her throat, before answering the teacher.

 "Can I go to the toilet, Mr Harrison?"Lauren could see the crease in his brow all the way from the back of the room. 

 "I don't know. Can you?"She had to stifle a giggle when she saw the way Camila had to physically restrain herself from rolling her eyes at her English teacher. 

 "May I go to the toilet, Mr Harrison?"He replied just as gruffly as before.

 "You may, Camila. Make it quick." 

 Lauren winced as the legs of the brown-eyed girl's chair scraped loudly against the floor. In her haste, Camila had left her phone face-up on the desk.

 As she turned her attention back to the whiteboard, Lauren sighed at the sight of all the notes Mr Harrison had written out for them to copy.A few minutes had passed and Camila still hadn't returned. In her peripheral vision, Lauren saw her phone's screen light up with a text notification.

 Glancing over, she could feel her brow furrow as she read the message.

 ari 💖💎: cameron !! you forgot to tell me how the game went yesterday boo 

 Lauren's confusion only deepened as she reread the text. 

 Who was Ari and why was she calling Camila 'Cameron'?

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