Piece Ten

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At lunch, I found out that Luna and Camilla practically hated each other. I didn’t know why, but I could definitely see they were exact opposites. Each one of them representing the side of a magnet. Luna was super nice but rather shy, Cam was this rock chick who loved to say what she was thinking. So as I was sitting down, they took the seats either side of me. Talk about awkward. We sat in silence, while we ate, until Louis came up to our table and plopped himself on the chair next to Cam. “Hey babe.” He smiled before giving her a quick kiss. “Hi Jenna and-“ Louis didn’t seem to know her name and I could see Luna was way too shy to say anything so I saved the day. “Luna.” “Right, Luna. Nice to meet you.” He said genuinely smiling at her, as punishment for this he received a sharp elbowing from Cam. “Ow, what?!” He looked at Cam, whose eyes were narrowed to slits and looked confused, after a second he shrugged and tucked in to his food. Cam still looked pissed, but I didn’t have much time to think about this because Niall walked up to us with his tray of food and looked worried. “Where were you yesterday?” He said. He sat down in the seat opposite mine. “Oh uh, I didn’t feel all that well.” I said, trying my best not to sink into those beautiful blue eyes. I focused on the table in front of me, I really wasn’t a good liar, that’s what I had always been told anyway. I could feel Luna’s gaze burning a hole in my face but I ignored it. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss much, right?” I said to change the subject and avoid the silences I couldn’t stand. “Ha,” someone snorted from behind me “if you don’t count Lorraine Hicks trying to make out with Niall yesterday!” Harry laughed and sat down next to Niall, who was turning a little red at the ears. “Shut it, Styles.” He grumbled in between bites of food and Harry just grinned and patted him on the shoulder. “Well, I’m just glad it’s not me she’s got the hots for!” He smiled and I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. Something about this conversation was making me incredibly uncomfortable, even more than the awkward silences had made me feel. I stared at my food, picking at it with my fork. I was glad when Zayn, followed almost instantly by Liam joined the table and started some conversations going. Silently I ate the rest of my food, I really wasn’t all that hungry anymore but I forced myself to eat it, half listening to the conversations going on around me.  I saw Zayn and Harry give me a few sideways glances at times but I ignored them. When someone asked me something I gave them an answer but for the rest I didn’t, I wasn’t really feeling all that well. After lunch I tried to walk off so I could be alone but Harry followed me without a word. I made a beeline for my locker and opened it, ignoring Harry who was standing right next to me. He waited for me to finish exchanging my books for economics and my PE kit. “So,” he looked at me, trying to catch my gaze. “what really happened so that you couldn’t come to school yesterday?” He asked me, I watched as his hand reached out for mine, I thought he was going to hold my hand for a minute but the next moment I knew he was stroking through his hair, messing up his curls. “I don’t really want to talk about it.” I said, quietly but he had heard me. “Come on Jen, you can trust me!” He stepped closer to me, and this time his hand found mine and squeezed it slightly. He didn’t let go. I sighed, my gaze fell on his eyes. “My stepdad, he…” I couldn’t continue, my voice faltered and suddenly I felt my eyes getting damp. “Hit. Mum.” I gasped, getting the words out one by one. Harry looked appalled to say the least. “What?!” He almost shouted. I winced and pulled my hand out of his. “Oh, I’m sorry Jenna I didn’t mean to shout.” His voice was soothing now, “Come here.” He spread out his arms and for the first time in my life I cuddled a guy who was the same age as me and not family. It felt nice, his body warming mine. The feeling that I got from Harry stroking my hair was hard to put a word on. I just couldn’t quite think of it, but it felt really, really nice.  “You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.” He said, before letting me go. “Thanks Harry, maybe some other time.” I said attempting a smile. “But I’m worried about you, what if he comes back?” he asked me, but of course  I’d already thought about this myself. “I got all the locks changed yesterday.” I said, proud of myself for actually doing something good. He smiled. “Wow, you really think of everything don’t you?” I nodded and he laughed. The bell rung and people slowly started moving to get to their class. “Thank you.” I said, my tears hadn’t escaped my eyes which I was so glad of. “No problem.” He said and before he walked away he bent down to kiss my cheek, leaving a tingly sensation behind. As I was walking to my next class I spotted Luna walking in the same direction so I quickly caught up with her. I noticed that her eyes where puffy and slightly red. She’s been crying, I thought, oh no. “Are you okay?” I asked, worried about my friend. She looked at me, sniffed and walked away. I stared after her and then went to my next class. 

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